Sunday, June 1, 2008



God, in-dwells, in the smallest imaginable details. Train an electron microscope on a Tradescantia, a commonn enough house-plant, known commonly as wandering Jew, and it faithfully reflects our own image back through the 1000's of tiny lens-eye's that "watch" through through surface of each leaf-blade.

Then, gradually bit-by-bit it dawns, nothing "happens" outside. It's our fourth-dimensional response "eye", "inside." Each must select their own spot source for, insight. It's like a mega-mall you enter. You, must know what you wish to pick off the shelf. Look where you will. There are countless super-fertile spots awaiting re-discovery.

Why does the complex, fascinate us?Try not to allow the ever-present paradox to throw you off-balance; derive deeper, wisdom, and take comfort from its's immaculate working.

Remaining centered, grounded, and on-track.This moment the earth hurtles through space at a mind-numbing, gravity-defying, super-velocity. Yet, can you sense a minutest bump? And should you be seated in the luxurious confines of a super-svelte Rolls-Royce, limousine you would, feel, though ever so slight, the odd jump. Power from the beyond flows copiously through ordinary sights and sounds.

Only, Natures Way is extra-ordinary.

And here is man, with a galaxy of systems and methods at his disposal. A multitude of centres well-versed in speaking on the transcendental, and the like. Moreover, in the midst of the stunning beauty, around, there are some who say: "Where are the answers." "I'm bored." "Or, where shall i search." This, saps you of your vital wonder-generating fluids.Somewhere in the blue beyond an eagle, wheels, with graceful mastery on an invisible thermal. Not a precious moment has it to spare on meaningless, banter.

So, when a butterfly whirrs its wings, sipping lustily nectar off a lotus on Dal Lake, it creates an instant and corresponding, ripple, at the far-flung spots of the cosmos. I once marvelled at a film where a beautiful structure was built by engineers, as a tribute to the supra-ingenuity of ants. For years they studied the hard-working ants on the ant-hill. The super-structure fashioned by the ants, i felt, was far superior, in proportion and symmetry. That an ant's thinking apparatus is infinitely smaller than a pin-point, does not boogle my mind, but re-awaken me to wonder with added, super-appreciation.

These small (re-read as momentous) diecoveries warm my heart; open Spirit's Gate, merging me with the beyond, within...Split-second timing govers our universe.An opera commensing in Rome, is timed to this centrall-orchestrated, cadense. This sentence, is also linked to THAT very, pulse. Feel, yourself as a vital key, pre-orchestrated into a timing as sacred. Cosmic conjgruence is timed to an all-knowing rhythym. Place yourself, full, in the stream of this flow to sense the transcendence. 'Know,' during all moments, that higher Presence move in all you do. During those, rare, moments you find yourself in tune with the Infinite. I sense a vaster picture, evolve.

As a drop re-melts into a rivulet, losing its limited identity, and becoming the river. Till it sheds, even that re-awakens to merge with a greater, ocean. A greater, "find" i find hard to perceive, let alone fathom.Yes, in "losing" surely arrives, silent an ultimate "gain." Cosmic wholeness.The final course you chart your compass to, will be rewards and secrets unique only to you.

Cyrus jehangir Sataravalla


Super-synchronicity, coincidence and the super-Natural have embraced, most intimately each area of my life. I have come to trust these near-mysterious forces with abiding faith.

Events such as these have evolved into the work i do. Put another way that i can more humbly recognize, my work, is a direct result of the force. Only, through such forces. For me, the oft-used adage 'needle-in-a-haystack' becomes redundant. Meaningless. Obsolete.

A lost 'needle' will literally "find" you. At an opportune moment the self-steering compass-needle of serendipity will bring back to you what seemed impossible.

Whatever is "yours," will "find" and wend its way to you with super-certainity. Does not a single self-aware sperm, "know" how to "mate" with THAT One ready, ova?The feeling, of this ever-revealing cosmic congruence as natural, as a bird's passage through to the ether.I share with you just three encounterss, in my life, triggered through supra-synchronicity. They, continue, to touch my life daily.

Yet, the memory of the 3 flare up jewel-bright.

Absolutely, indelible has been its influence. As every stone of a river-bed must bear total testimony to the river that flowed over it. Each of these meaningful encounters has cut an unforgettable, goove, in my mind, along a swift-flowing river that wends it's way, within my being.As a pre-cursor to the Hat-trick hows this for super-synchronicity, or what many term as mere co-incidence?

In 1977 when i was 18 all 5-feet of my large intestine were cut-off. After a gruelling 11-hour Marathon life-threatning surgery. Once again in 1992 2-feet of my small gut had to be removed.Prior to 2004 for 8-years, i was entirely engaged, night and day writing a book on Thought-Forces. It became an irrevocable vow that virtually took over my life. A superior-most, unfathomable need for writing and writing. When the 1000-page book was finally published, minus my intestinal guts the book's title self-arose, intuitively with lightening certainity: "BEYOND-GUTS." I applied for a "BEYOND-GUTS" Trade-Mark, which i received.

In the winter of 1966 when my Father was Commandant I.M.A. we were fishing for mahseer at Dhalipur. Before i knew it, to my utter consternation the expensive fishing-rod fell out my hands. Hook line and reel. Swirling currents engulfrd them forever. My Father was livid. A full month later our shikari guide Nathu, arrived, at our home.An up-to-something smile playing upon his face. In his hands was the prized cream-and-maroon Shakespeare rod.

Nathu said he came upon it, miles down-stream washed ashore upon a sand-bank. We spent a better part of a week playing around in our mind;s the permutations, sequences that led to it's miraculous, re-recovery.That, Nathu happened to be along that one stretch of the river was just One. That his eye saw it, another. Beyond rational comphrension. Yet, the universe is most adept at re-uniting what belongs to each of us. Once again, in 1970 while driving with my parents towards Raniknet. At Almora, my health took a turn for the worse. It did no take any ESP to know She was engaged in fervent prayer. The one, and only wish in Her mind, was if my Delhi Dr. Prof. Tandon was there. Delhi's AIIMS Hospital was many 100-km's away.

Even as my Father turned the Ambassador car, along a swerving hair-pin bend, right before us was an AIIMS Ambulance. Inside was a beaming Prof B.N. Tandon. Her "wish-you-were-here" prayer had been heard.

I might add, at Delhi even with a prior appointment, it was not easy to meet the busy Professor.

The third encounter to my mind was the most significent. The year was 1979 and i was a student at St.Stephen's College. My Father one ordinary day, summoned me to His side.Gauging from his expression and the timbre of his tone it was bound to be a matter of grave import. Little, did my mind fathom then that extra-odrinary events were to ensue. The room resonated with a vibration. An energy-filed as when a prayer-bell is truck. A sacred 'ringing,' permeated the room. Then he said: "Its, time you wore my ring." The blood from my heart travelled through my brain, as though asecret valve had opened. It was a sacred, ancestral, ring of my Grand Father Tehmurasp. More than just a ring, it continues to hold a place in our hearts' beyond any family heirloom. He burnt yet another thought, like a great Seal waxed as a permanent imprint upon my young, and impressionable brain:"The ring is a symbol and link with our ancestors. The vibrations encoded, within, will guide, and protect you whenever you call upon them." Before i could even utter my profound gratitude he clasped in an embrace.The next moment i found myself in the far-spreading Deer Park. It was winter in Delhi and darkness fell abruptly. Silent and swift. I roamed its vast precincts with child-like abandon. Even as i was ringing my door-bell, i looked terror-stricken at my middle-finger.

The ring had gone. Vanished. It lay silent, mute, somewhere in the cavernous brooding confines of the park.I summoned up my nerve and in a flash that seemed like light-years decided to blurt out to Father the shocking truth; "I lost the ring, Father." was all i could utter.

My Father's far-seeing high-minded response, stunned me yet further. With supreme Presence of mind and certainity (yaqeen) in an ice-cool tone He said: "We "Will" find it first thing in the morning."

My thumping heart regained some composure. This was not the only time that Father had displayed His immense kindness, justice and intuition. Come dawn i leapt out of bed with a new-found energy.We entered the park, together. It spread out intimidating, like the tentacles of a never-ending octopus. At that moment a flood of sunlight spilled upon us from a break in the sky. As we combed the park, crowning a tuft of dew-slaked grass, an unmistakable glitter greeted us, simultaneously.

We could pin-point, the ring as jewel-bright rays bounced off its mirror-clear surface.More than gleam the ring winked re-assuringly at me. No profound words were excanged. His sparkling eagle-eyes said it all. The feeling in me was no less than what Columbus experienced when he chanced upon America.To this moment, as you read, the ring is an eye-witness. A re-reminder and and living testimony that the realm of supersynchronicity, supra-coincidence and the Super-Natural are forces i will always cherish. Trust. Depend on. Listen-in to.

Learn continually from. It will remain a real-life example that stands out in my mind up-to-now. Often i saw Father us it as a sealing device. The beautiful outline of its heart-shape etched clearly sharply on the envelope. More importantly, it's deeper message remains indelibly engraved as a sacred-most testimony in my brain. Wreathed and entwined into an inseperable, oneness. I clasp with reverance the blessing and guidance of my Father Jangu, and my fore-Fathers. A circle of protection and super-sonic power to this moment.

The universe is happiest co-creating many more such miracles in each of our lives. Your joy in recognizing each meaningful miracle holds the key-insight for the cosmos to beam-back many more. Especially for you.

When the so-called dead, can commune one-on-one. It taught me not to search else where, for what already lives, within...

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla9823110144