Monday, May 19, 2008

AUM: Sacred Vibratory Self-Attracting Frequency

The vibratory power in words is unparalleled. Unfathomable. Irresistable. Once, they touch, you, they simultaneously, make unimaginable contact with all parts, and every known corner of our cosmos.

Words, uttered from the your heart contain inestimable explosive cosmic self-fulling creative vibratory power. Our universe is a manifestation of the reverbrating, primordial, motor AUM. The word in the Bible or the "sound of many waters." In ancient India wizened sages revealed the awesome attracting power in "Vach", or, the spoken word. So powerful is the cosmic charge woven into deeply-felt thought, that once released with deep inwardly-sensed concentration that they naturally come true. For, they already contain the seed of fulfillment.

For this reason the ancients made it known that for him who speaks the truth, his words shall surely come to pass. Your word is your wand. Watch, your words and you will know this subtle truths full import. It has coloured and will continue to be the very beam upon which every event of your life has originated. Everything you have done has evolved, and self-mainifested from the power that you weave into your THOUGHTS. Try, not thinking for a moment and you will gain a fuller recognition of how thought is woven-in as a core part of everything you ever do, or even attempt to do. Understand this one all-encompassing key truth and you will attain magnificence, and an unsurpassed force self-propelling you on a direct course to your dreams.

The inner currents are what we must be attentive to. Like the notes of music they follow a graphic rhythym. A resultant crescendo high-tempo, or, a low-note. But, they always settle into a rhythym unique to each thought-pulse that you inwardly create. These thoughts in time, attain a "life," character and are as distinct and recognizable as say a dear friend. Some words are a balm and pour forth a tranquil sense of over all well-being. In the company of mind-expanding people we feel in-tune in-synch. Let it be known such people are in-synch with themselves. This is what over-flows subtly, entering, you. Conversely with some we feel drained of all vital life-enhancing fluids. They, like a parasite feeding, dangerously, off a tree hold down-pressing, mind-numbing low-frequency thoughts. This, is the negative drain, or leakage of superior forces that you sense. And it carries over, instantly to you via a retrograde vibration . You cannot feel invogarated and recharged near them. But always return to your own inner rhythm and watch carefully the breath. Life is what you receive on the wings of breath. That is why we hear, "take a deep breath".

The wise ones often repeated the truth about the right balance in "hava" and "paani."Even as the waves of the sacred Manasarowar lap soothingly the shoreline to produce a quiescence, inside. Gently the wave-crests caress and kiss the all-embracing shore-line. They come of their own to greet the silver-lined, shore. Some words like a sacred lake, instantly heal, rejuvinate and provide immense, calm, as they descend softly like doves whereever they alight.

Certain word commands instantly inspire a forceful current so as to surge through one as a lightening-bolt, or, a clap of thunder. The words of some heal and self-awaken. Then again words used incorrectly whip up instant rage, or negative emotions such as fear or hate. Like a storm cloud that lashes a heavy dark down-pour. Be inwardly, acutely, aware of the thought-currents inside each moment. What you can fathom here is what life is about. The inner movements is what we spend a life time catering to. Nothing then can be enlightening save what you tell yourself within. It is never another that enlightens, heals or harms. You, have only to watch aware the direction of your own inner waves-tops to know your own ultimate truth.

It need not be a 1000 years under a sacred tree. If the glitter in your little ones eye pulses that inexpressible wave of joy within you, as you pass a ball in a park, then you have successfully found what some return to several wasted incarnations to witness. Let alone understand. Enlightenment, is not a vague mysterious quantum somewhere 'out there." It's a here-now simplicity wherein you savour intense, utter, never-before-witnessed mind-ful-ness in whatever your moment is birthing for you. Your, focus is just on THAT and on nothing else. I recall a billionaire being queried by a persistant reporter, as to how he attained that globe-girdling empire, and his laconic answer: "When i comb my hair i think of nothong, else."

And, look at the startling navigational self-guiding flight of birds? How easily we use the negative term Bird Brained?

Your meaning must arrive, everyday, from the multitude of either mundane or momentous moments. Whilst thoroughly, inwardly, self-ingesting and re-absorbing those touching moments you walk through a Gate such as you, perchance never really noticed, before. Such reality arrives, silently, on innumerable occasions during little ordinary moments. Once, such half-moments touch you within, you are on-track, on-course and in-synch. Be alert not to let them slip past. Like a ship at the dead of night.

These, become life-defining, powerful moments. Savor your moments with utmost relish. Moments are the single qunatum that each of us have. Watch, quietly, aware each situation. Watch mindfully. Watch aware and a great truth will come to you. Situations be they what they may do not rise or fall. It is just your emotions. The inner thought's that attain a wave-crest of utter elation. That top-of-the-world feeling, or, that despondent down-spiralling, low. The elation or feeling of dejection is NOT in the situation, whatever it may be.

Mediate, turning, inward, with a focus on your breath. Allow the stormy emotion to self-quell as do the most turbulent waves that must return back to the calming depths, and you naturally re-merge back into your ocean of calm. Between the rise and fall of emotion, which are thought-flickers upon your breath, there is a oasis of calm. A silence. A G-A-P. Alight, serene into the cove of your g-a-p. Here you become a witness. You become ONE with the life breath. Once in this knowing you are in charge of situations. You know nothing is happening outside. Life then is a constant response from within.

What you tell yourself inside is what makes you feel powerful. Indestructable. Worthy. Self-reliant. Faith-filled. Appreciative. Rich as a purple-robed emperor. Or depleted and ravaged as an urchin. It is your own thought that becomes your truth. Find out the ones you entertain MOST. You, will recieve a laser-like, frighteningly accurate answer. Our circumstances and situations do NOT so much make as accurately reveal the in-most nature of the thoughts we have been thinking.

Every river is embraced lovingly by the ocean. Is a river ever sent back? All this transpire deep deep deeper still, within you...


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