Friday, May 30, 2008


The Scottish novelist Robert Louis Stevenson cultivated an ingenious method of giving specific instructions to his subconscious to evolve great stories. Or, solve persistent problems with remarkable results. It did so magnificently for him. And it will for you

.You, can instantly call upon your infinite "Magnetic resonance Imaging" faculty to faithfully scan and re-scan the lochs, valley-crests, bottoms, escarpments and inter-connected moraines in your mind. Moreover to bring, you, a specific desire you always longed for. Be it a masterpiece. Or a castle in Whales. Your subconscious mind takes you to your word. Be watchful of what you ask for. Its job, is just to produce. Like Xerox your subconscious will give you a replica, of any request you hand over in complete faith.How you speak and tune-in to your subconscious, can aid you immeasurably through the course of your life. As you sleep your unconscious is wide-awake.

Can you imagine a more fruitful pursuit, than, giving specific heart-felt request-thoughts to your un-conscious as you dip off into the abyss we call sleep?

Yet, how little we know about the mysterious forces, that, specially leap up and come to the fore during this super-creative hour. Once, aware of this truth, you, are only half-asleep. Because, then you are acutely "awake" to the more vital part of you that never, sleeps.

To be unaware of this truth is to be asleep.For your work to attain its inherent fullness, that richness to set it distinctly apart, this is the realm to stay connected to more fully, wherever you are and no matter what your occupation. Can you imagine a studio more impressive. One for which there is no rent. Stevenson's thought impresses: "He who can be happy and valiant in himself, in his own nature, will enjoy the universe as if it were his own estate; and help the man to whom he lends a hand to enjoy it with him."You might ahve troubles. Yet, should you focus on them you only compound and give them added intensity.

So as you dip off to sleep, feed a constant steady copious charge of beauty-filled pictures into consciousness. To put this very realm to use in each of our lives with deeper urgency is what i suggest. In a conscious and all-aware manner, lovingly, still the wheels of your mind. Slowing the movement, within. In Stevenson's case he would enthusiastically convey a positive command image to his deeper mind to evolve for him a bestselling story.In his story, 'Across The Plains,' Stevenson, revealed: "These little brownies can tell me a story piece by piece, like a serial."

Contemplate this method and you will realize most of us often do the reverse. Instead taking cherished hybrid seed-thoughts of idea-fulfillment, we water-down, curtail, and shoot-down our own best ideas. That, is to say we invite worries and dificulties, merely, by focussing on them with added vigour. Marie Curie re-awakens me; "life is not easy for any of us. But what of that. We must persevere and above all have confidence in ourselves. We must believe we are gifted for something and that this thing at whatever cost must be attained."As we learn learn to "sleep on a problem" you will be absolutely delighted with the results you reap. Here is a balanced and most practical Way that you can inculcate here-now.

The usual thoughts we take to bed form deep-cut furrow channels; and these grow into tall persistent habit-forming trees in our lives. Ask yourself: "Do i follow a simple way?"What's simple adds gigantic power to become your ally. The age-old counsel to not take troubles to bed is a wise one. To allow the subconscious unhampered one must provide it with a rich source to work with.So begin to fall off to sleep with powerful thought-planets revolving inside your head. Ask lovingly for your subliminal to provide you a lead. Then watch the up-to-now locked doors swing wide-open.The greatest-ever dialogue you ever had, is, posibly the one you are having with yourself, now.

Remember, it is never just a great book, or article that speaks. It IS the corresponding wave of insight, that a-rises from your own heart that is more meaningful.

In such a state awareness, rises clear as a stream. Live as blazing embers.

During such "Awakened" states energy flows unimpeded. Of its own accord. Unrestricted. Copiously. EffortleslyLike a meandering river, your thoughts, move to a flow-pattern and life-rhythym all their own.

Tap-in to your inner mountain-fed, pure spring Source.

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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