Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Marcel Proust revealed: "If a little dreaming is dangerous, the cure for it is not to dream less, but to dream more, to dream all the time."

Mt Everest's summit-crest towers to a sky-caressing 29,000-ft. The Mariana Trench plunges to a mind-numbing 13-km. A shallow puddle is merly a few inches deep.

Inspiration, too, has unimaginable, startling depths. One must dive to those untrammeled, perilous depths to enable the light-emmiting insight of inspiration to burn with added sparkle. To such unspeakable, staggering depths will star-bright doers willingly go. plumbing the sacred fluids that beyond astounding results birth, immortality. A bench-mark of excellence that continues to beckon and glow long after they have gone. As a tribute and memory to their immortalized deeds, i engage your mind.

What strike me most, while studying these great achievers is primarily they were just like you and me. They breathed the same air. Had, the very responsibilites, families, and everyday problems and pleasures such as we witness. They, passed through the very day we pass through. They, as well had the rent to pay. They, were not chosen ones. They choose to rise over present tribulations to an exalted plane of consciousness. A forth-dimensional view.

Yet, in spite of their share of difficulties, they devoted their life-time to a cause they considered super-sacred. Nothing, could swerve their ship's course. This works a subtler alchemy that is absolutely, irresistable. Unstoppable.

Once the compass-needle of "thought," was set, they, were willing, in fact happy to face the most intimidating consequences.This trait of forebearance made them turn bile-bitter times into melon-like, sweetness. Ultimately, reap the reward, of immortality.

I was half-awed, struck dumb and enchanted to learn, in Cuba, in 1898 when American troops were fighting, the great soul Dr. William C. Gorgas was operating on a soldier when his light in the make-shift theatre went out. Not one to be intimated or put off-balance he instructed that a bottle-full of the deep-glowing "cuckyo" fire-flies be brought instantly. By the self-luminous sparkle of those light-pulsing creatures he executed a superb surgery. Is it any wonder that some bare-foot natives, in the West Indies tie the super-dazzling "cuckyo" fire-fly to their big-toe?

The light guiding them, safely, past the darkest night. Is not your own attitude, your doggedness, and courage a fire-fly of even greater light-throwing ability? Recognize the self-luminous fire-flies that roam in the vicinity of your own mind. Be patient. Super-alert to the secret self-mastery of your own lantern-producing, light. This extra-ordinary, self-illuminating fire-fly, is found in your day-to-day ordinary, moments. As you flow with the adrenaline i present you another object-lesson. Francois Blondin the first-ever, and only, man with the exemplary dare-devil courage to cross the death-defying Niagra Falls. In tight-rope walking the name Blondin stands unrivalled, to this moment. None, surpassed the record-setting Frenchman, the Great Blondin. On Jun 30th 1859 a wire no more than the width of 2 fingers was stretched above the roaring Falls. It was two thirds of a mile long. As Blondin started the history-making trip, over the wind-whipped waters and a darkening sky, he commenced his terrifying ascent towards the Canadian shoreline, with charasteristic bravado and flamboyance he suddenly executed a back somersault. The crowd gasped.Never content to merely repeat his last performance Blondin crossed his rope on a bicycle, walked blind-folded, evn pushed a whel-barrow and, as if that wasn't proof sufficient of his incredible super-prowess went on to cook an omelete in the centre. Blondin was already more than a legend.Even these failed to satisfy his urge to excel and re-test himself. On Aug 19 1859 Blondin proclaimed he would cross the gorge carrying someone. During the walk he sent out a chilling challenge to the spectators. Would any be willing to be the first-ever human in living history to cross over with him?A hush descended. Finally, a little boy volunteered to go across. Yes, Blondin took the faith-filled boy, safely across the foaming-filled Niagara Fall. In life's arena the rewards are for those who dare make a "wee" diference. The little difference is momentous, miraculous, and something that time never can erase. Such, a difference, produces its own light of courage. This slight diamond-tipped, edge, helps distinguish a leader from the rest.It is not just talent, brains or resources.

Neither is it a fairy God-Mother, up there, sprinkling luck-orchestrating star-dust. It's an icy, steely dogged determination attitude in-grained deep in the DNA, of such super-achievers. Re-phrase that to re-read super-doers to be a highly specific force who know their mind. It is an indomitable and indefatigable super-will that births such super-natural prowess in you.What you draw into experience is entirely up-to-you.

How deep will you dive into the sea of courage be? Find out in the crystal quiescence of your own private heart.

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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