Saturday, May 31, 2008


One truth, i trust, over any other. We might not teach clouds to float. Eagles to self-soar. Nature needs not the slightest aid from man. We need to re-align and stream-line the self with the sanguine stream of consciousness.

To the all-revealing symmetry of the cosmos.

Chaos, like order, self-arises from a thought in mind. Keep in-tune with your ever-rising thermals that, uplift.If, you wish to self-soar, than first remember to keep every other thought out of your mind.

What, appears dis-orderly, at first, has order as well. Gaze behind the apperance of things. While observing, intimately a bee-hive i was awe-struck by the outward buzz. What seems, to an un-trained eye as a swarming, out-of-order mass, swirling helter-skelter. An indisciplined, frenzied rush. Closer, more minute observation reveals a bee-hive hums, to a superbly structured, ultra-specific, well-orchestrated harmonious path.

"Busy as a bee," or "Bee in your bonnet" is self-edident witness to their ingenious, industry. Legend has it that the pervasive, re-sounding "humm" that emanates is closest to the reverberating, re-echoing cosmic motor, the primordial sound of God.

George Gurdjieff's insight, startles and awakens instantly: "We have more strength than we think. But we never make use of it. We have all experienced that Second Wind, when everything at first seems hopeless, and then all of a sudden a new energy arrives in you. You recognize, here, that ordinary efforts do not count.Only "Super-efforts," count. And so it is in everything. Gurdjieff went on: "It is better to die making efforts than to live in sleep."

That, Herculean effort beyond you own effort, is the sacred point where the subtler confluence of SPIRIT swings wide-open all-new Gatesways, in you. Gates, that were long-forgotten, rusted. Shut-tight. It is here that the spiritual slow-revolving wheel, turns in your favour.Along the wheel of spirit your efforts, elicit, inspiration from a Higher Source. Your tiny wave-tops, begin to gather mighty momentum and grow into tumultous unstoppable ever-rising wave-crests of actualization. Natural. Spontaneous.I'm reminded of one of the greatest-ever composers. Genius, Julius Sibelius. In Finland called the uncrowned king. Once whilst speaking of the forces that shape our lives Julius said: "I have always considered life as though it was a piece of solid granite," making his forehead and luminous classical features appear like a granite-statue miraculously come alive. "You take the chisel of will-power and carve the granite. To have a design ready before you start is essential as it is to have a sharp chisel. It is within you, within the power of us all, to get both these requirements."

From my cars wind-screen I once, witnessed a flurry of leaf-blades, dry and green, blown about by a gust of wind, formulating slowly-emerging sequence, patterns. I watched, transfixed the beauty that kept emerging. They, swirled to a timing, an order, known best and ONLY to them. At first it appeared they flew hap-hazard.

Closer, inspection revealed super-synchronicity. Each leaf-tip and blade was acutely self-aware,a astonishingly attuned, with its place in the unfolding, dance.Their free-dancing, cavourting, grace-filled twirling and pirouettes, was by itself, meditative. An opera at Bolshoi ballet would not have made me sit-up more fascinated. Best of all i had a Box Seat. To a private ballet, just next-door.

Try standing beneath a tree.The slightest quiver and leaf-tips come cascading down. A gentle continous, gem-bright stream. Miracles, are all around. A new one grets us each new-born moment. For, me, this is wonder enough.Should an ant, suddenly, as it did this morning clamber over my palm, and i be able to place Her carefully, atop a begonia, then THAT is a prayer suficient to set alight my day...You , must create your own sacred cove, haven. You needn't go too far out.

Just reach, inside...

Cyrus jehangir Sataravalla

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