Tuesday, May 27, 2008


"...There's more to us than surgeons can remove. So much more that we were born to do... On a Clear Day rise and look around you and the glow of your being out-shines every star..." This one-liner from Frank Sinatra's 'On a Clear Day" holds incalculabe encouragemet, and breathes unparalled meaning, to me. In-between the lines is a parallel universe...

There is a loving Source, a sower of dreams, just waiting to be asked to guide and aid you make your impossible dreams true.When you ask the Creator for any gift ensure it is of superb magnificence. High-minded and most worthy. From dreams of such magnitude you develop a mighty all-compelling prowess. Of such such a heavenly latitude must be the immensity of your dream, that you, instinctly need to call upon the aid of THAT Higher Force. Let not just man be witness to the magnitude of your dream. Permit, far-flung stars to half-blink and acknowledge in awe your after-glow.Over and above the human super-will, incesantly, self-operates the Divine Supernal Will.

To activate the all-compelling super-conscious Law of accomplishment seek divine aid and insight in all you do.In such a fervent call, arrives a gravity-defying, utterly devastating cosmic voltage. It is such a two-way chanel's Presence that you make yourself completely, available. In all moments, be entirely aware, that it is never you, who can use THAT power, as making yourself available and in-tune, to permitting THAT power to "use you." If you believe then with a faith-filled heart go-ahaed and ask. The devotion, with which you ask the all-listening Infinite is the receiving-line upon which God Answers, Directly.

Remember, it is certain, especially when it seems impossible. Just as we dream dreams, life is also a dream dreaming us.

Shakespeare says it well: "We are such stuff, As dreams are made of, And our little life, Is rounded with a sleep." You are in possession of an unfathomable, superior-most, lightening rod of human progress, when your dream crackles with the secret cosmic charge to benifit all life. Little dreams are the dreams that people have about their own lives. Great dreams are the gravity-defying, epoch-making dreams that powerfully influence and meaningfully impact the lives of, "all" people.Deep-felt dreams are too powerful to ignore. They, come into consciousness with a stark, suddenness that can take one completely off-balance by surprise. At first, it might seem the dream is far-flung, in the back-of-beyond, half-hideden hazy distance. Yet, they can loom up and jolt you with uncanny super-Natural swiftness.

A flickering spark on the distant horizon, till its deeply-glowing jewel-bright luminescence gets brighter each moment, before an eye-blink it is upon you.Dreams, can, at times self-spring as if from out of nowhere. The, element of surprise is never far. Dreams, of such intensity leap upon you with the fierceness, vitality and certitude of a tiger.Deeply-orchestrated dreams are jewel-bright and magnetize, self-illumine, instantly. Similar to the irresistable, ferocious, pull a deep-sea angler senses when a 1500-lb Blue Marlin takes hold of the lure.

So powerful is the "pull" of a marlin that it can easily wrench the angler right out from his strapped-in chair. When you have a dream no less momentous and life-touching at the other end of your "Thought-Line", trust me, for you will know most certainly. Such are the kind of dreams to fervently cast for with devout diligence, and supreme faith. In the vastness of the ocean of consciousness.

Remember, you cast, ONLY, for that one all-compellign dream. The sea of thoughts hold an array of dreams. You, must be in a deed-centered accord with th specific, thought you wish to hook-in to.In shallow mind's the fingerlings of small thoughts are prone to create commotion. In oceanic mind's the whales of insight cause not even a ripple-crest....

Find out what long-overdue promises to yourself are gathering cobwebs in some long-forgotten corridor of your mind. Bring those seed-dreams out into the diamond-bright sun-dazzle of "intention" through "i-can i-will" consciousness.

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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