Sunday, May 18, 2008

"Law of Mind"

LAW OF MINDOur cosmos is governed by exacting universal laws. A law is a force that WORKS. One that has universal application. Tides, flow to a pattern. Seasons follow cycles. Seeds grow after their kind. Laws govern theorems, gravity, physics and mathametics.Your mind operates on equally accurate laws. The fundamental Law of the Mind is, the "Law of Thoughts." The greatest-ever law that presides over our lives is the power to choose what you think. Every outer experience or effect in your life first originates as a seed-thought in your mind's garden. Judicious selection over your thought-imagery is is the greatest power to shape your destiny. You, me, and every event, momentous or mundane is the result of definitely directed thoughts.What is that 'certain something' which sets an individual distinctly apart? What propels achievers to surmount life-threatning obstacles? In fact, use to devastating advantage near impossible odds as brilliant examples of astounding accomplishment?In every arena of life there are winners and also-rans. What makes the key difference can be summarized in one life-transcending word: "SELF-BELIEF." In yourself and in what you do. Demosthenese ovecame a stammer to evolve into the greatest orator known. Alexander, at 24, conquered most of the known world. Cosmologist Hawking though confined to a wheel-chair, unravels mysteries of the universe at a prolific rate. Edison's schooling was for 6-months. His teachers verdict was he suffered from a confused brain. Beethoven, composed and "heard" his Nineth Symphony after he was deaf. Fred Astaire, legendary tap-dancer in 1933 during his first-ever trial was told by an 'expert': "Can't act, slightly bald, can dance a little."I cite these examples not to awe but re-assure you. To re-awaken your fountain of power. You, can efectively use struggle as a spur to success. Often, we hypnotize ourselves into fear and unknowingly put a halter on great dreams coming true. I seek to de-hypnotize you from any pre-set constraints you might have set, inside.Histories most immortal achievements have been accomplished not by the most talented, but by those who nurtured and "dreamt a dream." You, can become the unique person that it is in you to become, if you are willing to 'hitch your wagon to a star.' Remember Don Quixote who urged amkind to 'dream the impossible dream.' Only, that will remain impossible to you, which you believe to be so. I assure you the more imposible the dream, far far greater is your power to fulfill it. Did you know what crisis means in Chinese? "Wei Chi," or crisis in Chinese means lifes ultimate opportunity.So when you are bold, mighty forces come to your aid. Take that first tiny step toward your goal-post. and it will loom larger-than-life more than half-way to greet you. Dream lofty dreams and as you dream so will you become. Cherish your visions and the music that stirs in your heart. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be. Test and use the power within Goethe's message: "Are you in earnest; seize this minute. What you can dream or or do begin it. Boldness has genius power and magic in it."Your dreams will unfold, gradually, surely like the lotus on a pond. Dreams only come true when we become open-minded, sef-attuned and receptive by listening-in to intuitions infallible counsel. The dreams i refer to are not the fleeting shadows, or, mere idle wishes that go through the mind. A dream is a "Magnificent Madness" (un-bending INTENT) which envelops you from the unfathomed depths deep deep down, within. Hold fast to your dream. Develop the courage to act instantly on your convictions. Keep your nerve no matter how ardous the climb. Remain true to such devotion and God Himself will Grace you to 'Live" your dream.Have you an idea, or some great intuitive impulse? The 3 words at the end of this sentence will tell you how to attain it: "DO IT NOW." At this juncture we find the crucial testing period of all dreams, when setbacks appear as though from nowhere. Yet, by pressing on you will emerge from these trials of fire and ice; more burnished resilient and strong. When you are low in spirit or discouraged remember crystal rain falls from blackest clouds. The lowest ebb is also the turn of the tide.Consider a magnatized piece of steel which lifts, easily, more than 12-times its weight. De-magnatized it will not lift a feather. S9imilarly there are 2 types of people. The magnatized individual is bursting with self-reliance and the secret inner will-force to triumph. The de-magnatized man is full of fears and self-doubt. Imagination is that wonderfuls smithy within your subtler-self where on the anvil of inspired thoughts you have the privilige to forge a destiny utterly divine. Formulate, and conceive specific long-cherished goals in your mind; long before they are achieved. This is the crucial play of imagination. Its reward so sweet. All thoughts form mental pictures on our inner screens. These very INNER pictures we "SEE" become our outer moment-to-moment REALITY.The only limitaions on our adventure to higher accomplishment are the mental blocks we inadvertently visualize. To overcome fear act "as if" you are courageous and you will attain that inward state via your inner confident command. Also, doing the very thing you fear is a sure-fire way to conquer it. Or, like the matador in the bull-ring use fear to your advantage and it will get converted into a source of unparalleled strength. Switch your fear picture with a courage image and you shall become courageous.To change circumstances first start thinking differently. Do not passively accept unsatisfactory circumstances. Sit-up and know this truth; Your circumstances do not make, but actually reveal your in-most thougts. So armed with this reality, boldly, form a picture of circumstances as you would like them to be. Hold that picture steadily. Develop, and colour it firmly in vivid life-like high-detail. Believe in it, work at it; seek divine aid and inspiration and you will be led to actualize it according to the mental image in mind. While imaging the event, experience it as a present-moment reality. Not as a future time posibility. The ability to not only SEE, but also FEET, TASTE,HEAR, and TOUCH your goal with heightened emotion is crucial. Let IMAGED, ORDAINED and MANIFESTED merge into a sacred at-one-oness. Let this be your mantra. Many have a keen desire. Few have the inward expectancy of a thought coming true. And rare indeed are those blessed enough who actually EXPECT a thought, which in truth is a seed, to materialize. The keener, more repeated and deeply felt your desire picture,the faster it gets emblazoned in your mind. An iridescent C.D disc command burnt deep inside your brain. Every image that you BELIEVE in thus fed to the subconscios is accepted by it immediately as a command from you, and converted into reality. Like seeds fed into soil, the soils task is just one. To bring forth an equivalent crop.Two other formidable, most worthwhile success powers to activate are the written and spoken word. Cultivtae the succes habit of clearly writing down your goals as though they were aready true. Whenver you speak unleash some of that fire within. Hold upper-most in mind a a fully-finished picture of you with your goal in actualized, three-dimensional mode. Persevere with this practise regardless of your present-moment circumstances.The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart is what you will gradually, become. We always gravitate towards that which we most adore. By holding radiant thoughts you set free the rainbow-hued fire-fly of an insight so penetrating, such as to leave you delighted.Scintillating success awaits being found where you least expect it. Right within you. Like the musk-deer do not wander a-far in search of the other-worldly scent, that constantly self-arises from its own musk-producing navel.Ever Close-by are these sacred-most forces.

The beyond is not something out there, on some far-flung galaxy light-years ditant. It pulses in your concentrated thought. Near-by as your heart-beat to your heart; near-by as the blood that courses through your jugular...Your life-cycle flows in accord to the key thoughts you think. As you travel within so will your without be self-built.

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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