Sunday, May 18, 2008

Subliminal Mind

When i reflect on the boundless creative energies that are a core part of our subconscious, myriad images a-rise up from the depths; re-arranging themselves in a meaningful sequence as seed-ideas, in your ever-fertile consciousness.
What you now experience 'are' extension images; wave-tops that flow past the river of my mind. Corresponding, relevant wave-crest pictures formulate before your mind. Like mental television. A rhythym you sense, and can intuit. With diamond-sharp images. Distinctive sound.
Where you can actually 'see.' 'Feel,' and yes indeed, 'touch,' each lucid message spontaneously.
Communing one-on-one directly with, you. Urging, you, to dock with your special star.
Your subconscious is rooted in instinct. It is a repository of spontaneous impressions. In its uncanny memory vault are stored, safely, records, facts and experiences of every thought you thought, up-to-now.Through the habitual thought-impulses you hand it from your conscious for safe-keeping and future use.Your thought is beyond laser. Like light it is conscious. Thought's communication-carrying bandwith is collosal. A single burst of laser can transmit, instantly, the entire contents of every library world-wide in a half-flash. Looked at from a parralel perspective thought, then, IS the very medium, guiding and directing lasers effectively. Laser beams are of no use till a clear-seeing thinker, applies his far more powerful mind-laser: Via thought. Our universe responds and connects to the thoughts you think.Filter carefully thoughts sent down to the subconscious. The answer to your specific place in life is already in you. It is your own thoughts that faithfully bring back to you, your experiences. Does a postman check-out your letters? He readily accepts whatever you hand over. Delevering it surely to the address destination. Thoughts, deep at their core are an embroyo, already seething with "life" and know how to grow into events. Once you post a thought-command, your subconscious delivers to you bang-on time its exact equivalent, without so much as a murmur. Like the postal system we need not mail a properly-addressed, letter, twice.Your subliminal embodies the feelings and wisdom of the past, the awareness and wisdom not just of the present, but the very moment you readthis. And the thought and vision of the future. A most able self-transmitting and auto-receiving station with a universal hook-up whereby it intimately communicates with the physical, phychic and spiritual worlds.It times of great emergency its complex machinery and nebulae spring into immediate action, (independant of the conscious mind) to take supreme command. Acting with amazing certitude and rapidity, with astounding heart-beat like precision, in saving an individuals life. It can also be summoned to aid the conscious mind, in moments of great personal necessity, when the surface mind, calls upon the subconscious mind, to press into service its astounding life-affirming powers and resources, and indeed to solve a specific, lingering cronic problem.Prior to falling asleep lovingly, yet firmly command your subconscious, that you need a specific goal accomplished.
You, will discover forces within you will be self-generated, leading to the desired result with clock-work precision. At night as you dip, into the realm of sleep, and enter the unconscious, all vital systems are regulated by the subconscious' infallible working.Th optimal moment for impregnating, or seeding, your subconscious is 15-minutes prior to dozing off; and for the sams period after you awake. During these two periods the biggest out-cropping of the subconscious occurs, as the negative argumentative conscious faculty is submerged and luckily out of the way. The limited conscious, often, reminds you and gives varied high-faluting reasons why you cannot attain magnificent levels. The mind is deeeply relaxed moreover during the above-cited impregnation period, when slower-beating alpha brain-waves are emitted. In your mind's-eye assemble and create a true to life fully-finished mental picture of an ideal condition, or event that you would dearly like to witness. Focus steadily on this picture. Zoom-in, re-sharpen, hone, magnify and intensely sense and intuit it in a 3-dimensional present-moment reality. Sharpen it to heightened vividness and a clarity so deeply intense that it is no different to reality as you play the mental movie on your inner screen. Envisioning this as a present-moment reality, not as a future-time possiblity.
During this interior viewing "see," "talk", "hear" to those dearest to you, as they encourage and congratulate you on the fulfillment of your long-held goal. During the creatiove process think and feel "it is settled" not "will it happen." After you plant a seed do not disturb it. Leave it to self-germinate. Would you in haste dig and remove it? Your audio, visula and kinesthetic faculties must all be brought into play. The "happy feeling" whilst imaging, and thinking as though the event is a current reality makes the subconscios accept your image.The keener the more urgent and repeated the picture of the desired goal the faster it is accepted by the subliminal. Remember the subconscious, only, workes for those who intensely believe and trust its wondrous working. For if you don't in will not bother one bit.I look upon the real process by which thoughts unfold into events, when acted upon in earnest, as surely as the sun rises. You will inevitably gravitate towards that what you most adore. Like filings are instantly pulled to a magnet. Your visions are the blueprints from which, ultimately, must emerge the crowing of your eforts. Each of us becomes what we think. Our experiences are so finely inter-woven into thought, even as a wave ultimately is part of the ocean.To make that quantum leap in the desired worthy direction we must remain vigilant and receptive to the all-compelling voice of the over soul. I reliaze there will never be Q.E.D's in mind's oceanic realm. Tapping and using even a fraction of its creative wonders is what we need give serious thought to. That is an on-going discovery for thought-governed beings. Staying with the docile, all-comforting known is always relaxing.
Yet, affecting tghe move towards the Great Unknown is where useful break-throughs await re-discovery. In an enchated meadow-pasture no less hallowed our Higher Purpose will we actualized. It is a simple procedure to count the number of seeds in an apple; yet, who amongst us can ever reveal, let alone know how many apple-orchards reside in a single simple-looking seed?
So too is it with every inspired thought...

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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