Sunday, May 18, 2008

AUM SAINATH; Fire-flies of Your Soul

Those things that hurt, also, instruct quite like nothiong else can..For Soul CurryDear Sirs,My name is Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla. Im 50 and the author of a 1000-page self-help opus, titled "BEYOND-GUTS." When just 8 i suffered from the dreaded ulcerativer colitis. By the time i was 18 i was rushed to USA on a rapidly-falling haemoglobin of 4.8 grammes. To undergo a mandatory Marathon 13-hour life-altering surgery. before i could blink, all 6-feet of my large intestine and rectum were removed. Then again in 1991 after conducting a motivational fireball, i suddenly, found myself at Breach Candy Mumbai where 2-feet of my small gut were cut-off. Now i was dead-sure of my destiny. To focus ONLY on what remained, INTESTINAL SPIRIT/FORTITUDE. Presently, my haemoglobin count is a soaring, 17.5 grammes.Needless to say the title to my 1000-page book sprang, intuitively, THAT very light-emitting zone i so cherish, imbibe and deeply deply draw from. Have you watched a bee, gather, naturally and efortlessly pollen on its leg? I believe after traversing the dark woods, a light so bright, so divine makes its Presence known, that just by being open to its magnificent import we are led to a destiny utterly divine... Today, i Thank God deeply because the rot once removed, opened-wide the subtler doorway to intuition, perception. Now, the realm of INETSTINAL FORTITUDE and TRUE GUT-FEEL are the all-fertile domains from which i intuit all that is worthy of grasping in my journey through space-time...I have myriad soul-touching experiences that would powerfully, touch and speak to your readers through soul curry.Yes, if the so-called dead can speak, and impact meaningfully with many then, chance and the oft-used term coincidence are to me like water of a duck's back. I TRUST the magnetic domain of CHOICE, and the key THOPUGHTS that we habitually think and feel deep deep down within. THAT, is the area to tend with greatest-ever diligence, devout devotion, and before you know it the universe comes knock knock knocking at the subtler window your crystal-clear, diamond-bright soul. Destiny, i have gleaned, often comes a calling... My key-insight and arrow-sharp point to you is do we perceive, intuit, what it is trying to say?We live in the midst of a blazing Higher Intillegence. Great things will accrue from a Higher Consciousness Pursuit. Brighter human stars will self-arise on some voyager of a far-seeing, horizon-dwelling future. A Ulysses, a Way-Shower. What you might term a Wand-bearer of the realm of thought. And, what will be the colour of the silken web-work, each of us weave in conjunction with the soul destiny? That, is a reality each of those receptive and attuned enough will at last unveil, unfold as surely as the sun must reach its inevitable noonday zenith.Ultimately, we may even find, that, what cannot be known is far more revealing than what can be. Our mind's must gradually, slowly, be trained by prolonged inward-acquired practises to become so acutely tuned, such as a fine-tuned Strad, violin. To enable it to vibrate to the hidden, impulses that govern the sacred breath-pulse rhythm of our cosmos. The subconscious must, therefore, undergo a prolonged education until the thinking individual is able to so annihilate himslef, disapper into the vibe-ray of his thought; thereby into the ever-waiting eternal, the infinite, the ever-beckoning At-One-Oness.I cite a poignant line from the mind of the precocious poet-prophet the French boy-poet, Arthur Rimbaud, who hinted at a time when victory is finally attaind:"For now is the time of awakening. Let us all receive the influence of vigour and the tenderness that s real. Then at te dawn armed with a burning patience, we shall enter the splendid cities."During those all-brief, rare half-moments will the Thought-Alchemist evolve such as he was always born to self-evolve. He, shall be able to intuit what cannot be thought...Positively Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla. Self-help author Motivational Speaker9823110144Pune

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