Friday, May 30, 2008


Coming home to your arrow-point is a stellar trait bringing desire to fruition. Has each of us not come upon a story, a saying, or an insight, that you "felt" and "connected" to with intense urgency?

Then, remember to to trust intuition with all you have. Intuition, is the real you.

Under a strong and well-advanced will, thought travels in a "direct" line upon which it is unswervingly, concentrated. The MORE intense this form of concentration, the swifter and more direct the journey of that thought-ray. Like an archers arrow flying true to its mark. Such astounding accuracy must you expect at all times from your, thought

During such concentration and one-pointed-ness, consciousness is held to a single image-target. Your entire attention is "FIXED" on an inward-arising focal key-point. Without, wavering, or swerving. Such gazing is called a "Tratak." The sharper your thought, within, the clearer you make your point. Keep the cross-hair's of your needle-point, centered on what is natural to you. Thereby your thought and action attain a complete roundness. The deeper, down, your point the more far-carrying its influence. The greater its all-year-round benificial, impact.The term have you made your point speaks of unimaginable, power.

The point of the matter: Super-clarity of thought flows from a clear-cut mind. One rid of unwanted, unnecessary, clutter. Extraneous static. Clutter, collects, through vascillation. Procasternation. Delay.

Endless indecision is party to an nfocussed mind. Once inwardly focussed, you zoom-in sharp to the mighty self-birthing supra-point of the cosmos. A clear mind like an azure sky reflects the illimitable horizon-dwelling super-clarity.The best part, others simultaneously sense the "blue" instantly.There is One Law. Applicable to all.

There is a method, a Way to all life. You carry collosal powers wherever you go. To be unconscious of this truth is an abstacle worthy of overcoming, instantly.Your eagerness to tap-in, here, rests entirely with you.Keep a steady vigil. Mainatain a steady watch-ful-ness to the Nature of your thoughts. Exercise a constant, pre-selection. Repel, what doesen't work. Start, to magnetize what does.

You generate this inward, selection, of "attraction," and "repulsion." Most important be aware of NOT attracting what must inherently be repelled. Your mind attracts thoughts congrous with its core beliefs. Harmonious and rhythimal vibrations repel the inharmonoius ones. They bounce off the surface mind as a stone striking a fast-revolving automobile wheel does.Prior to sending a thought strive for that "right feeling" inside.

That, is how Zen Archers, strike a bull's-eye, everytime when blind-folded. The bull, revolves, looms large inside.

Training the mind, is immeasurably helped forward by coming in "touch", with those more highly evolved than we are. A thinker stronger than we are , can powerfully, aid us. For, they "transmit" vibrations of a higher, more subtle, order.When you are near a strong thinker, those magnetic vibrations play on our mental bodies and set up corresponding vibes, so that we resonate, in-synch with them. Herein, lies the wisdom in of associating with those more advanced than us.

We profit by their contact and groww under their stimulating, compelling, influence. It is through this Presence of gift-vibrations, that a Spiritual Master exerts far-reaching subtler, influence. The energy, permeates deep into ones being.

A hidden spiritual transfer without so much as a syllable. A piece of iron lying on the ground does not assume heat-vibrations on its own; once placed near a fire it automatically draws, re-absorbs heat.Harry Houdini trained his child to stay alert with full concentration in this way.

When passing-by a shop-front in London, in such a manner, that he could instantly magnetically imprint the entire contents of the shop he had passed, without even stopping. Having, thrown over it a concentrated, glance...

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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