Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Divinity, is ebmbedded in you. An indescribable iredescence as in mother-of-pearl. You, carry it wherever you go. As you do D.N.A. As a coconut carries its kernel. As pollen 'clings' to nectar-gathering bee's.

Might one search, a-far, for ones finger-print, pattern? Like a bull yoked to a plough-share, from moment-to-moment you are self-saturated, intimately, by that Force hidden, within. Like the glitter in a dragon-fly wing, the sparkle of certain moments is, immeasurable.

On the wing-breath of deja vu, you, instinctively recall your most stunning, spiritually-loaded memories. Thought, is your probiscus. Through it you sip, lustily off your happily-ever-after, moments.

Sunbirds, i will always adore. Intesely active in the ever-evolving fury of their flight, they put out more enrgy, for their teeney-weeny size, than any creature that i know. For me, this avian wonder-bird, brings something all-new. Their dulcet calls as they plunge deeper, yet, into fructose-loaded fuschia blossoms; half-hidden from view.As i marvel at the exuberance of their whirr-buzz, and forawrd-aft flight im reminded of an astonishing truth, that they have adapted to with praise-worthy prowess. Remarkable aplomb. A feat that these birds of arresting, most enviable plumage so valiantly, stoically must face up to.

For sustenance, this prodigious, pint-sized dynamo must, daily, sip a required amount of nectar from the honey-saturated flower-shrubs. Or, drop dead.

The "hummer" is acutely aware of this nectar-gathering, life-determining need. To fuel their miniature but super-efficient furnaces, some sun-birds eat half their weight in sugar daily, along with vital proteins in the form of of speck-sized insects, and the odd aperetif of, a fruit-fly. Measured in human terms, this food in-take is the equivalent of 285-pounds a day. So this fiesty sun-adoring creature sets about to meet its challenge with characteristic, self-reliance, and inherent resplendence. Precious, moisture is drawn from the all-valuable half-moment at hand.

The very reason they "decide" to hover, and stay all-close to those life-enhansing blossoms. The Cuban bee hummingbird is often mistaken for a bumble-bee. The smallest of the small. Its weight a mere 2-grams. It behoves and speaks of an intilligence that is not just a-blaze. Its in-dwelling self-aware-ness demonstrates a force beyond super-focus, to a realm we humans, speak about, in whispers: Satori or En-light-en-ment.As i marvel at them dive-bomb, effortlessly in and out flower's, i shudder runs down my spine. No text-book, or out-of-the-box method do they need, to study. They, are self-absorded, Naturally. Their point of focus, is concentrated ONLY, at what they are MEANT, to do.

Its truth is a poignent reminder most of all, to, me. It is geared for superb flight, ONLY. Never in my own life-time have i seen a sunbird sit, or walk on the ground. Never ever. But, just look at how adroitly, they have compensated this shortfall, of being denied to hop-about; as other birds do. So, they learnt to make up for it. They rechanneled their super-abundance, elsewhere. Making, the never-ending sky their home-sweet-home.

They demonstrate to thrive and flourish and re-sound with whatever you have.A trait i deeply revere and so admire. Something in the bird's honeyed chirp exhorts: "Who cares if i can't hop, just watch me fly." A promise they have lived upto entirely. They are, for instance, the only birds that can fly back-wards, side-ways. Self-balance, and hover motionless, in mid-air like a miniature helicopter for indefinite, periods.

Their wing-beats accomplish double duty. Most birds derive power only on the down-stroke of the wing. Humming-birds derive it on the up-stroke as well. Hummers have self-adapted themselves to remain ever-happy, withstanding, the rigours of high-G flight manoeuvers.They are exceptionally fiesty birds and dive-bomb menacing hawks, 100-times their size. You, need not wander or search far for what already is in you. Outward, search only takes you further away, from home. Home, is where your heart is gathered. Your ability to immerse the needle-point of focus, far and deep into the heart of your moments, is where you can suck deep-felt lung-fulls of an ambrosia utterly divine...Drink deep draughts from the flower-moments around you.

Hover atop, ONLY those moments that are spiritually-loaded. Which hold deeper spiritual significence to you. Such are your cherished Haiku-like moments. Ones, you will find yourself returning to time and again. As a bird, must, to its nest.

A Zen Garden such as this of over-flowing simplicity you have carried since you where born. Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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