Saturday, May 24, 2008


We dream with our eyes shut-tight. However, to dream when they are "wide-open," is what i out-flow to you now. A Rolls-Royce, receives its spark, from deep inside the heart of its cavernous engine. Why, then, does man search outward, when the "spark" of insight dwells, inside?

Through self-mastery over the tiny 6-inches of inner-space in-between the ears you hold the all-compelling golden self-attracting key-insight to every conquest over outer-space. Triumphs, are in your own mind. The crucial count-down is here. Costellations, and star-spangled galaxies, many undiscovered. Of exceptional, beauty spin on an ellicptical course within the reach of your own mind.

Tiny, outwardly insignificent beings, utterly capable of influencing, our cosmos in a manner utterly profound as well. The so-called 6-inches in your mind are never static, or, isolated. They, effortlessly, 'in the blink of an eye' re-connect with the super-conscious far-reaching horizon horizon of infinity. All that you dreamt-of is "drawn", from your in-dwelling horizon vista. The greater part of life, in reality, is an inner-sensed one. A moments mind-ful-ness will reveal life, is lived inside out. Not the other way around. We tend to place greater emphasis on the outer visible world of form. Whereas formidable incalculabe power exists in the metaphysical realm of thought.

Our most meaningful and mystical, absolutely inexpressable truths transpire, and grow, in he feeling inner invisible universe. No man-made meters can fathom what transpires in thought. When a sun-up instills rapture, it is this intangible 6-inch key-spot that "speaks." So astounding is this nebulous realm that one touched, by a certain insight, no matter how fleeting, its charm never fades. Our lifetimes are influenced and imbibe untold meaning from THAT single source: What you tell yourself inside. Touch yourself, inside, but once and you aslo caress in a flash the msterious moons around far-flung Jupiter.Eschew and contemplate for a moment: Situations or circumstances do not empower, deplete, or make you. They, in truth accurately reveal the in-most nature of your thoughts.

Your own "response", to life is the constant link-cord you carry. To make you sense that top-of-the-world elation, or abysmal dejected low. This is the great fertile learning-ground to till, seed, and tend with hybrid thoughts.

Our entire thought processes and feeling are a series of photographic images which flow unimpered through the mind. Our imaging faculty is a process by which we create mental-pictures in our mind's-eye. A process by which you envision and formlate goals within, long before they are actualized.As you read these ideas, image-pictures form in your mind. All that we do, say, read, write, dream, or intuit, evolve as thoughts in mind. Thoughts, form a corresponding mental-picture on our screens. We, produce and direct the pictures that run through our mind.

These, picture govern our attitudesand performance. One truth i have come upon is to keep upper-most in mind a vivid picture of circumstances as you actually want them to be. We, often do just the reverse.Beyond, everything we are solely responsibe for the pictures we run through the sky-way of consciousness.What is true for you in the quiet of your private heart, is also true for all mankind.

What One who is aware hears, senses, others simultaneously intuit. The most potent source available is the one of Vibrations. The translation of 'Mantra' in Sanskrit is "instrument of thought." All that you are up-to-now arrives on the beam of this key-instrument. Look upon thought as this great musical instrument you are born with. Its strings most sensitive. Through prolonged practise our mind's must slowly be trained, to become like a finely-tuned instrument. Able, to freely vibrate to the hidden primordial impulses that govern the breath-rhythym of our universe. The subconscious must undergo a prolonged learning, until the thinking individual is able to merge, as naturally as fragrance in a lotus. Dissapearing, into the object of his thought, into the eternal.

Directly, into the sacred, reverberating, seed-syllabe, AUM. The truly Great Ones pass through our world, unknown. Such Ones, have assimilated, and so deeply inwardly ingested the sacredness of thought; that should such a One be shut in a far-flug cave and think One clear thought; then the resultant re-echo, reverberation resonance of that ONE thought will ring across the known and unknown universes as a dulcet chime.

Its bell-like vibratory high-frequency ring will journey through the mountain-ranges, plumb the oceans, past the heavens, penetrating the deepest deserts; ultimtely reside as a gift-ray, in-dwelling as the cosmic motor in the heart of man... for eternity.

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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