Friday, May 23, 2008


Your river of thought, self-flows. it takes you right to your destiny. All events in-flow this way. A truth of which im certain. Rives, flow to a course known best to them. Originating among ice-clad peaks, melting in spring, swiftly-flowing past firls of wild-growing iris.

Carving, slowly, yet relentlessly a path past the most intimidating craggy-edged rocks.Such a sanguine ever-evolving, stream sings happily; free-flowing past the incalculable latitudes and moraines of your mind.Know, that it is the wish-bone of "super-will" that keeps you alert and going after meaningful things. Its your jaw-bone of "resolve" that aids you ask the pertinent questions necessary to finding your calling. It is the back-bone of gumption and "fortitude" that keeps you stoically at it. Until you self-attract and fulfill every worthy high-minded aspiration.

Reflect, on apowerful truth. One, you have used up-to-now. Perhaps, unaware, of its self-seeking, immaculate working through your life-cycle. When you build-up an intense all-compelling magnificent desire-ray (khwaaish-muraad), you create an unparalled, unfathomable spiritual magnetic force: An Elemental Essence. Your thoughts, via mind-stuff are astoundingly malleable, inherently mouldable. A most pliable, subtlest, all-creative substance is thought.

Imagine, it to be a mercury-like all-alive fluid-vapour, inside. One, that acts immediately, to solidify into reality whatever you command it for.When you ask a hotel waiter, for chicken Ala Kiev, then THAT, precisely is what he serves you with delight.An interseting fact connected with all "elementals" is the one of "thought-glow." Like at an Opera each thought-pulse you emit, depending on its intensity-fervour produces its resultant pitch, resonance and re-echo ring. Thoughts of power have a range, frequency, tempo, colour and "LIFE" unique and inherently their own. Your spoken word produces explosive cosmic vibratory far-travelling power-waves. Inward-directed "though-rays', and "word-waves" once pitched from the heart and released with deep recognition, and whole-hearted devotion, invariably, bloom true. The potencies of sound-waves is unimaginable. From the resonance in yiour thought, your every reality self-springs. It is an embroyo alive. Experience, emerges from the crysilis in thought. As does fructose-sweet nectar from a honey-comb.Well-picked thought and and word-octaves (zabaan) are your passageways to reality. Each ardent thought-wave produces its own resultant pathway.

Along such a sacred star-spawned inner galaxy do you voyage. Hurtling, at mind-bending velocity. Since aeons it was your dominant thought that wove itself into a rare exoctic magic carpet. The very one upon which you now safely self-steer and chart your course past space-time vortexes.Focus holds myriad frequency passageways. Energy, follows thought. You must select ONE, energy pathway. Idea are quantums which you hold. Yet, convictions are supra-forces, key-insights which hold you. You, are a timeless moment-weaver. That you are inter-woven into this very line, here-now, is also conscious choice. A part of the Grander cosmic Scheme of things.As the planets spin; or a prayer-whell turns, great thoughts self-revolv in consciousness. Along an elliptical path, directing you to destiny. They are sentinel guides that self-birth deep-felt dreams. Thought, governs our planet. You, are a thought-operated being.

The gravitational pull of a pin-pointd thought is self-balancing. Akin, to the influence a moon exerts on tides.The option to tune-in to specific heart-felt aspirations rests, in you. Thought, is your needle-pointed diamond stylus and with its point you cut, re-cut, and morph a rainbow-bright disc in your brain. So a long-promised goal once burned into consciousness bears your indelible, DNA-like unique, imprint.

As you settle into a well-grooved rhythym pattern, you come to know.The earth turns on its axis. Your experiences originate on the pivot fulcrum of thought. Look upon this wave-producing, ocean as self-operatve. It is your own heart-strings via emotions that create the ripple flutter. Thought, via Un-bending intent flies arrow-like to return back with whatever you unleashed it for.In an Elementalful connections are re-synchronized within, which weave a fabric exactly as per you bidding.

So powerful is an elemental, it puts you directly in touch with precisely what you are seeking. Placing right before you the person, object, or THAT very situation you waited and so longed-for. Whenever in-tune your self-glowing aura elicits aid from the Masters who operate from the Higher Planes of Consciousness.Indeed, these very thought-vibrations self-arrived. On time. Via the power-filled universe that is an "Elemental Essence."

Watch what you INTEND. You, are sending out a self-attracting neon flare. One the universe brings about with astounding, timing.Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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