Wednesday, May 21, 2008

AUM SAINATH: Harnessing "Thought-Currents Thought-Fields

Space travellers at all moments remain connected with the life-sustaining gold-cord. You, are linked with a support system as life-affirming, a "Cord of Thought." The greater danger in life is not in aiming too high and missing it, but aspiring too low and getting it.

Courage, fortitude, faith, health, generocity, commitment, are universal thought-generated, emotions. You, like a single-eyed sniper, or, Zen archer must master the subtle art to pick out just "ONE" of these thought-rays in accord with your higher purpose. You must so "Saturate" yourself, that in every conceivable way you "are" a living and breathing embodiment of that arrow-pointed key-thought.

You, become the emotion. Flooding your being with it. The beauty is once saturated with a power thought there is no room for any other emotion. Your secret, interior-dwelling latch-door is now wide-open. Through it pours in a constant copious stream of self-actualizing fluids. Sacred Gate-doors swing open. A state of satori or wajd. You, become so mind-ful of the half-moment so ONLY, that all else vanishes. As the clutter and static of confusuion dissapear, a rainbow-attired buterfly of perception silently alights. You, imbibe all that matters, most. Supra-focus, is utterly divine. It brings itself what keeps you centered. It weeds-out what side-tracks and is extraneous. A single thought (emotion) glowing flame-bright, elicits instant secret, supernal spiritual strength from the Masters who operate from the Higher Planes of Awareness.

You, here-now are re-connected with your hydrant to superior accomplishment. Every other emotion flicker, is self-extinguished. Like a water-colour artist skillfully selects and dips a paint-brush, ONLY into a specific colour.When you desire business success you must concentrate all your thought-force, and inwardly point your mind-ray upon THAT matter you desire which must succeed. Speak, it aloud. You thus resonate a re-echo ring of sacred vibrations. Creating a highly charged, magnetic self-attracting aura field around of "live" particles. This becomes the irresistable "field" you "carry" around all day long. Remember, 99% of your work IS accomlished, here. 'Mantra,' is a tool for thinking. A thing whch imprints, and creates a mental picture. What the mantra expresses by its sound already exists and gravitates to you as reality."Be-Aware" of the these fileds, as they are the embryos from which self-birth all that you dreamt-of, longed-for, or adored.Weave your thought-fluids into powerful inward-travelling currents. Later see, these thought-currents journeying outward to the specific object, or, outcome you keenly desire.

The keener and more acutely concentrated your thought the faster its consumation by the subconscious. Surround, whatever you strongly intend with jewel-bright deeply-glowing light on all sides. Until, you bathe what you desire in a current of light.This becomes magnetic and attracts, irresistably, to you the right people and desired outcome. Use your imagination to aid you in this thought-weaving. Be ever-watchful of any counter-productive images which will abort your earlier picture. Do not permit anyone to water-down, put-down, or play-down your high-minded, consciousness-expanding thought picture. Many are a hair's-breath from an all-beautiful aspiration and fall back into the retrograde zone permitting another to side-track or de-motivate them. Find out if in your noble-minded ventures you have inadvertently allowed yourself to be negatively influenced easily? Motivation might not be what you most need, as to be fore-warned from influences that de-motivate you. The veto power to accept or reject, rests, entirely in you. If aware of this you will have taken an incalculabe, self-correcting step here-now.RThe first ingredient of the magnetic Super-Will is the will-to-concentrate. The 2nd is to see in your mind's-eye your mind-machinery producing and generating a life-supporting subtle-most fluid. Filled, with unfathomable marvellous powers. Learn, to enter your own sacred interior well, within. Bring whatever is dearest to you directly from your own Source. No middle-man must be entertained. Except a towering faith that you already possess such a superior-most power. It is of the essence to be aware and acutely so that you CAN and inded must call upon this power whenever you need.Perform these excersises and you gracefully, gradually, mould your consequences into a new-found interior self-attracting oasis. You ultimately attain the highest possible knowledge of things spiritual. The more you trust the greater will be your ability to self-manifest what earlier slipped past un-noticed.The one exerting this power and using this mysterious force of attraction, draws, phenomenal results. Hold your mind firmly to the formidable powers you possess. With the inward-seeing magnetc gaze Look people right through the pupil. Command the universe, mentally like a child to fulfill your worthy desire.

"Think," im a being of action and orgnized interior-dwelling power. Put your plan into action."Open your cupboard, and clear out any dust-ridden drawers. Permit the sun-dazzle of intuition to take you to the light-strewn constllations that balze and rotate, within. My Father revealed to me a secret i consider more precious than ever SouthAfrican diamond mine: We, regret, only what we do not do. So go after your magnificent dream with ferocious mind-expanding un-bending intent.

The universe always had YOU in mind. Know this...

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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