Wednesday, May 21, 2008

AUM SAINATH; Well-Being and "YOU"

"YOU..."Do you know who is the most important person in the world? Not the King of some distant enchanted land. Neither any person who weilds power, position or wealth which the multitude envy and almost worship. "You," whoever are reading this - just "You" hold that key post. Perhaps, you think it would be conceit to have such an opinion of yourself? But it s right, and it is true, and it is incontestable. It is one of those stratling truths of life which are not recognised. Nobody will ever think so much of You as You think of Yourself. There is nobody quite so much interested, and it is not right that they should be. Each, has his own object of admiration in himself.

Whatever You desire or deeply form an "INTENT" for You can have; for in the development of your interior "Thought-Forces" Your desires will frame themselves within measurable size. With a correct understanding of Your desires will come the requisite self-worth and self-realization of your power to secure them.Honour and riches and power might come to You, uninvited, but they would not serve You, and You will loset them again unless you are prepared to receive them and use them aright. The whole of a man's first duty is to Himself. "You," do NOT perform for the world, but an audience of just One: "Yourself." Your communion, accord, and at-one-ment with "You" is vital. In carrying out THAT duty, You cannot fail to leave your immortal imprint on society. For as it touches You, You touch all points in the universe. Be it a leaf-tip in your vicinity; or, a heart in another Continent. You cannot fail to raise the vibrations of your environment, and dignify all in your midst.You, may be only one of hundreds, or thousands all working in a great busines house. Your immediate duties may seem monotonous and trivial. With no apparent incentive for enthusiasm or fierce personal pride. Be Yourself and show Yourself.

Your job will always be what you deserve.Whatever You are called upon to do should receive your whole-hearted attention and razor-sharp interest. Do it in such a Way that those above you sit-up and will take keen notice. You, can compel them to notice, only, if your actions have enough vigour and common sense. It all depends on You.To become despondent about your lot in life is but to be-little Yourself without helping Yourself. To be determined on higher-minded and worthier pursuits, and ready and rearing to work for better things, will surely bring its own reward.There is no point or necessity to wait for other people to die before You get promoted. You can wait but there is no need toIn gauging Your own importance, do not permit Yourself to float in a sea of superlative egotism. Do not let your head swell.When You realize your importance You will keep control of it, so that You may apply and release Your powers in a sensible and cool way. You, are bigger than you think You are. Act upto this...Do your present work better than anybody at your age or experience has ever done it before. Thus You show yourself fit, suitable, and worthy for still higher duties. These Higher Duties will come, and as you tackle them in the same forward-seeing spirit, a further advancement will be inevitable.

Does a flower call out to a honey-bee? The bees are magnetized irresistably to the scent of blossoms, happily, on their own.The world is calling for persons who think well of themselves, sufficiently well to to dignify themselves by doing each task no matter how tiny, as though it were momentous. Doing it with immense pride.There is a better position waiting for You, but You, must show Yourself worthy of it by filling Your present-day job so full that your innate in-born self-ability shows itself to be running over. Somebody, will see it and use it.Whatever, is worth having is worth working for. Don't fume and fret at the success of others. Use Your time for Your own ends; apply it to Your immediate task, and be mindful of not leaking inner voltage by paying attention to the result, for it will come as surely as the sun reaches its mid-day zenith, or, the moon its full.

For "You" the gretaest Force is organizing Yourself, inwardly. Use Yourself right; think well of Yourself. Work hard for Yourself, first before trying to reach all mankind. The secret is that there is no secret, and whatever you need to know will be revealed at a moment when you are ready to "receive" that truth. Others will benifit in the process, so do not deny them this. Rest assured that own reward is as certain as the work You do to secure it.You, undoubtedly, are not just a V.I.P, but a M.I.P.W. The most important person in the world. You can be what you want to be. Nobody can do as much for "You" as "You" can do for Yourself.When you link THOUGHT,to your central purpose in life and act on them you will thermal-glide, and self-soar to the sunny shore of your dreams. Having conceived your purpose mentally, mark out a straight pathway to its achievement; looking neither left nor right.

When You make Your all-consuming purpose the central theme of your life-cycle You generate unsurpassed, unparalled, inconceivable power.After selecting a worthy magnificent goal, place all of your interior energy and resolve, your will-power, effort and everything you've got behind that single-minded cause. To change circumstances, first change start thinking differently. Do not passively accept unsatisfactory circumstances, even for a moment longer than required. By doing so you relegate and leak a massive life-changing dose of thought-voltage. The kind that makes the inconceivable, conceivable. Hold, your dearest goal-picture steadily; develop it in all details. Believe in it. Work and pursue it as a falcon hurtles head-long into the thermals slip-stream, gaining added super-velocity when after a pigeon.Above this seek divine aid and inspiration and You will actualize it in accord with the mental image in mind.Water takes the shape of the pipe it in-flows through.

Your, life and success will shape in direct proportion to the thoughts You allow to flow through the meadow-pasture, that is your mind...

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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