Friday, May 23, 2008

AUM SAINATH: Thought-Ray Broadcasting Station

I seek to have a broad-casting station via Times. Where i can pulse and self-transmit life-affirming, time-tested thoughts so as to travel deep down into the hearts of people India-wide. Nothing, i believe, is more poowerful than an idea whose time has self-dawnedThe universe has me twice-blessed. 8-feet of my own intestinal guts are removed after twin life-threatning Marathon surgeries.

Today BEYOND-GUTS, is not just my 1000-page self-help motivational classic. Far far more important is that the subtler doorway, to perception and INTESTINAL FORTITUDE, has swun wide-open. It is this realm that i cherish. What exits, is unimportant, and in fact a blessing. And so Beethoven could listen-in to his immortalized Nineth Symphony, after, going outwardly deaf. I believe through a series of sputnik brightly-glowing thought-rays fired as a sustained salvo via you paper, will set fre the creative fire-fly; i believe when it gets darkest, the surreal self-dazzling luminescence of a fire-fly gets enhanced and accentuated all the more.I also believe this will be a never-before-witnessed column of such exeptional magnificence... something unforgettable.

We are wand-bearers, light-holders in a truest sense. it is my honour and commitment to hand over to the coming genaration some of the priviliges and richness of insight that we inherited from the generation before us. So powerful will such a mental effort be that a proper utilization of these in-dwelling forces of super-will, insight and fortitude, our generation can witness a transcendental forward-gazing propulsion, more profound, than the previous four generations.I have learnt first-hand, that when a truth becomes a part of ones own personal experience, it garners and enscapulates immeasurable, unparalleled, incalculable strength. This, and myriad other far-seeing insights can produce their intermittent fluorescent glow, from a sacred-most lake, deep down in your readers hearts.BEYOND-GUTS, is no mere pretty-sounding metaphor. Its just my own reality. I wouldn't swap places with any emperor. The ability continually channel into diamomd-bright, deeply-felt, stream of inspiration, not somewhere far-flung; but right here within my own heart, is for me a reward richer than the combined South African Diamond reserves.

Difficulty and crisis when viewed in the all-compelling light of FORTITUDE, and God's Grace go on to provide phenominal courage, valour, and that i-can-do spirit; that precious-most willingness-to-dare, which ultimately ushers in a field where pure consciousness blooms. Remember, it is certain, absolutely certain, especially when it seems impossible. Whenever, there is no way, we must learn to open an all-new hallowed pathway, within. Along a pasture-meadow of such exceptional beauty, will man be Graced to walk right up, and indeed, for the first time, shake powerfully the Hands of a destiny immensly beloved and divine...


Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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