Thursday, May 29, 2008


We use ex-pressions such as 'a thought pops up, 'an idea appeared out of the blue,' 'it came to me.'

These describe the exuberant creative process by which path-breaking break-throughs and novel ideas from our deeper depths, beneath the surface consciousness, suddenly self-arise.

Thought, must be left to incubate, ripen, to super-perfection in the silent, vats of your mind.

Lets explore the creative pre-process, of bringing something new into being. Examine, keenly, what actually transpires during the creative act. An understanding of the all-essential subtlest, fluids, that birth work of an order absolutely breath-taking.

The first, stage, we notice during a creative encounter is it is a passion-filled, encounter. The essential key-ingredient during this fusion is the degree of "self-absorbtion." What we know as being entirely immersed, saturated, enwarapped, consumed in. Wherein, there must be a specific supra-commitment of total and utter "engagement". An engagement whereby one is so completely caught up in; or wholly involved, with that all-enveloping idea, that nothing else is allowrd to contaminate, consciousness. Every other idea-flicker is momentarily self-extinguished. So deeply consuming is concentration that we are become oblivious to things around. Any distraction. Or the passing of time, dissolves. The neddle-pointed probiscis of creation, is immersed so deep into the fragrance of creation that all else, evaporates. Just, the encounter gets magnified a million-fold.During an intense creative encounter we experience enhanced intensity of eagle-eyed vision.

Genuine creativity, is characterised by an intensity of super-heightened self-aware-ness. Heightened consciousness. Vibrant vitality and total committed purpose, whereby you and your incubating idea "fuse" into a sacred "At-One-Ness." Like, a marshmellow's being slow-turned to perfection over a flame; thought-incubation must attain a certain key temperature, whereby its baked to perfection. These are some of the emotions that accompany heightened awareness, which culminate in the actual experience of self-actualizing our peak potentialities.You cannot will creativity, or force valuable insights.

We can only will to give ourselves totally to the superior-most encounter, with intensity of purpose, self-flowering into fervour.

Allowing the proces by which pertinent well-incubated seed-ideas arise from the deeper abyss, and present themselves in the agile surface mind. Whereby you recognize and seize that idea as it reveals it's luminous, lightening-flash. This must be facilitated with razor-keen alertness.Once the subconscious provides you wit its unique insights, it is imperative and of the essence to follow through on those ideas instantly with abiding conviction and ever-evolving diligince. Even though at times, they might appear, to your conscious mind as being hair-brained. Or, having no special significence; nor any logical rational connection, or any enduring appeal. Remember, then to pursue those very ideas with a boldness such as never exerted before.

Crick and Watson received the Nobel prize for their startling discovery of DNA after a decade-long search. They, revealed what at first might seem like a never-ending wild goose chase, must not lead you off-track. Or, Marie Curie's undying devotion, and lifelong persistent self-belief that ultimately revealed to her the deeply-glowing joy through the discovery of radium.

We, often, unfortunately shy away from our own jewel-bright ideas, and insights.

Many brilliant ideas go still-born this way. IBM founder Thomas Watson revealed "To succeed double your failure rate." just don't reapeat the same mistake twice i might add. Creative flashes and rare insights do not come unsought. Thge first step always points towards a long ardous conscious mental struggle to organize a logical body of ideas to solve a problem. If after an exhaustive, tedious most frustrating search in consciousness, your solution has not arrived, do not despair. Every genius has traverssed that mandatory all-dark period.

After, the firefly of insight will pulse its glow in you. So, as you relax and turn your mind to other things, a sparkling solution illuminates and leaps into consciousness, with devastating, suddenness. For the insight to be born the conscious tension and application must be relaxed. Intermittent self-birthing periods of solitude, stillness, and contemplation are essential. After intense application with the problem, thinking about it, strugling, and juggling it inside, it becomes imperative to entertain periods of tranqullity, quisence, inside. Whereby, you switch-off.

Or, engage in something completely different.Einstein at Princeton once asked a friend, "Why is it i get my best ideas in the morning while I'm shaving?" The optimal mood for novel solutions is the an intuitive, concentration, of being outwardly shut. An inward-turned state. Outer focus, drops of. A sun-up of relevant illumunation, ideation arises.To enable break-throughs start looking at every dead-end as a sure-fire all-new beginning. Alternate periods of commitment must be combined with phases of complete relaxation. This, allows the creative insight to emerge at a moment where of transition betwen intense work and relaxation. During the all-vital phase of thought-incubation, which may be from moments, months, or years, fruitful pertinent novelties are generated by the conscious mind when engaged elesewhere.

Yet, below the level of consciousness, useful most beautiful ideas are being continually tabulated, re-arranged and combined by the subliminal. As their resultant spark ignites, in a ready receptive surface mind, you catch with instantly.Such insights never come hit and miss, but in acordance with a pattern of which one esential ingredient is our own willing commitment.Ingight is born, only, from the area to which we are most intensely committed.

During such moments there is a "click" in your mind. A conviction, or immediate certainty. Consciousness is able to single out immediately certain harmoniuos insights that are useful, only, to you.Such, the tool-kit, you carry in consciousness

There is nothing it cannot fix, except the persistent thought that you can't. Fix that and you are well on the way to idea re-illumination...

Cyrus jehangir Sataravalla

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