Tuesday, May 27, 2008


When world-acclaimed lensman Yousuf Karsh met Dr. Einstein in Feb 1948, he inquired of the legandary thinker, to what source should we look for the advancement of the world's future? "To ourselves" replied Einstein.

It's the super-steady woodpecker-like "tap-tap-tap" of a One-pointed all-consuming, dominant thought that plunges it deeper down into your ever-receptive subconscious. The initial taps on a nail, re-position it in place on a Rawl-plug. Yet, the final decisive whack! of a sledge hammer wedges it secure, sending it home. Thought, too, starts, its work and is activated, ONLY, after it establishes contact with your untrammeled in-most depths.The images nurtured in the studio of consciousness, are the mountain-fed source-origin from which experiences, self-emerge. All that we experience outside, has been self-fashioned, inside.Tjr inner unseen world is the self-creative universe.

Little, can occur outside that has not been invited, intended, from inside.

Yes. Each thought forms its own strand and becomes part of a greater filigreed web-work. We, self-stitch and spin each moment. Situations, have no hold over you. Thought, is your faithful boomerang.One message, that life breathes, more than any other: "What you focus on with all-out ardour and constancy your mind magnifies; and re-creates, and multiplies more of. It does so with exuberance and abundance. Let me demonstrate a staggering truth. In reality you create everything 'twice.' Before you materialized, manifested, any cherished desire, you had birthed it, mentally. So whatever, you point a thought-ray upon, MORE of that in-flows to you.As in any field, what aids one immeasurably is a greater receptivity.Benifits, will percolate of their own.

Think of a Hollywood classic that has captured your, imagination. Yet, ponder upon a far greater epic that determines the quality and course of your own life. These, are the life-determining pictures you view in inner-space.

No need to globe-trot to far-away Cannes for a Premier.

Produce, direct, act, and yes release your own block-buster epoch-making reality, within. Each word, or feeling registers as a mental-photograph. Even a best-loved family photo album over time yellow's and fades. The pictures in my heart have lost none of their initial lustrs, sparkle, sharpness or tone. Imagine, a movie that is life itself, whirr in the far-seeing space of your own mind. You can rely on yourself, and view results at a moments notice. The mind's sky-stretching canvas, towers beyond an Imax-screen. Making, the latter appear as a postage-stamp. Know that the minutest sights, fragrances, or sounds have been recorded in the soul.

Each such "thought-recording" is devotedly re-played, to you. These, pictures first begin to whirr-flash in the soft blue realm of a sacred womb-world.The after-glow tinge of dawn's blush paints equally the sky-line in Vancouver, Tangiers, Prayag or Shirdi. The power to change characters or the entire story, at any moment rests solely with you. Stars do not alter your destiny. Your inner-most thought hold that divine privilige. Emphatic thought flashes a powerful message, that magnetizes a paved pathway right to your goal. Your GOAL-MIND is your GOLD-MINE.

Thought, when charged in a "Special Way" is a self-guiding, self-fulfilling locked-on laser photon with One all-compelling purpose: To dock and fuse with your objective with mind-bending accuracy. The human secret Will bursts forth from a point mid-way between the eye-brows. This, is your "transmitting-station" via which you commune with all points of the cosmos. The heart is your "receiving-station." Along these two all-compelling frequency stations we experience and self-witness reality. The space that fills our cosmos is the all-knowning, self-creating ether. Thought, travels as a pre-programmed ripple-wave of UNBENDING-INTENT, along the super-sensitive ether. Light travels at 186,300-miles-persecond.

Thought, IS the light-essence itself. You are a golden-balled being of light.Einstein's theory of relativity fascinates. Years, spent self-absorbed in a pursuit of love, evaporate into unspeakable, joy. On the other hand moments spent in a work that you detest seem like tedious un-ending lifetimes. Upon these gift-rays of thought(light), have you and i travelled since aeons. Cyrus Jehangir sataravalla

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