Sunday, May 18, 2008

Falconry and well-directed THOUGHT

The self-soaring, thermal-gliding flight of an eagle wheeling on high, reminds me suddenly, of its uncanny inborn ability to intuitively, select, and effortlessly carry off "ONE" fish from a swarming shoal. Be sharp-sighted, and inwardly concentrate with such magnificent clarity. Staying one-pointed with your 'One' life-enhancing thought ray is a prowess worthy of honing to a diamond-sharp point, within.From the multitude of diverse thought-currents self-master the art to single out a meaningful, thought. Concentrate, and judiciously self-master your sight-ray on THAT 'One' Thought most compelling and pertinent to your need. It is not enough to just think in an abstract manner. For that will accomplish nothing long-lasting, whatsoever. To attain that cohesive rounded fullness with thought, you must absolutely "become," your "belief." Every other sensation-flicker muswt be summarily extinguished. Save THAT key "One" you hold sacred-most which you permit to flare up fire-bright. Only, that in-sight that is your key-insight must be encouraged, fanned, coaxed to glow jewel-bright. A brilliance of sheer exultation, a burst of super-abundant energy. An interior cosmic explosion where you shout your jubilation at the joy of being born with a sacred purpose coded-in.My Father, Jangu, revealed to me a truth that blazes vivid to this moment, live as a glowing ember in my mind. I seek to befriend You with your greatest ally: "Thought." And so i focus your attention to falconry and thought. Be aware that every thought command is "coded-in" by 'You.' You are a thought-operated being. It is your sacred heritage to know how to catapult arrow-tipped thgoughts, inward. So that it returns to you with whatever you asked for.Prized falcons undego One all-crucial orientation; They are taught to obey the command of the falconer. to the letter. Conditioning, these noble birds requires an immense amount of dedication, time and a sixth-sense. Perfectly mated, intimate and inseperable is the bond. They eat, sleep and breathe together. So acutely accustomed to one another that there is no room for anything else. The challenge of a falconer is to so highly train it and thus ensure it returns with faithful devotion back to his hand. Once the hood is removed the bird takes to the sky with gravity-defying velocity. At a word from the master it times its dive with staggering, even devastating accuracy. Returning, always with what it was "sent" out for. Nothing, is allowed to come between the eagle-eyed falcon and its goal.Such commitment demands a fierce passion (junoon). When a falcon soars of the gauntleted arm, it takes-off with One mission coded-in to its all-seeing iris: To streak back to the hand that loves it so. With the goal.Look upon thought as a similar falcon in You. As a falconer you have "sent out" your thoughts on numerous occasions. I seed in your mind an entirely different idea. In a conscious and acutely aware way use the golden eagle in you as it is MEANT to be. Release, your sentinel eagle to patrol the sacred hidden thermals of your mind. Instruct, it to obliterate, intercept, any negative thought. With passion and persistence you will become a master of the thought currents that self-arise along the hidden thermals of your interior sky.As i write the hair on the nape of my neck, rise. With the sacred falcon's assistance, your forays into the skys will be swift. Always guided, controlled. Then situations cannot master you. Awaken to this falcon in you. Harness your inner currents. Remember, eagles do not allow thermals to control them. They, 'ride' and use the slip-stream of currents to gain greater and higher altitudes.Seek from your falcon great things. In so doing you will reap a timeless reward. You will smash and become One with the so-called impossible. Ultimately you will be able to intuit, perceive, what cannot be thought. Thought alchemy then shall follow you like the falcon bonded to his falconer. From the dizzy death-defying altitudes miles above a problem, you will make split-second decisions. You, shall no longer blindly follow thermals. You will be adept at singling out One thermal conducive to your present-monent need. Thermal-soaring on thermal-guidance, effortlessly to destiny... Gradually, the 60,000-thoughts that that flow past your mind-space, daily, will not bewilder, but encourage you to intuitively select the "One" key-thought most meaningful to your self-evolution. You, unite instinctively with a tail-wind. Wheeling intuitive through inter-stellar space you attain clear-sightedness. With the finesse of a ballet-dancer you exhilirate in a steep high-G dive. Merging, finally, into One such secret higher awareness passageway. Yes, for you, it was always the interior sky... Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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