Thursday, May 22, 2008


I seek to encourage you in a persuasive way to tap the law of suggestion. To put your long-held ideas to work here-now. It's the only sure-fire way to self-steer them past the life-bringing litmus test.

Difficulty, is an encouraging signal that must remind one of two courses: Shape up, or, persist again. Now-a-days, there is so much reliance on technique, and text-bookmethods. On right-brain thinking. On high-tech, out-of-the-box ways. I invite you to forget every method. Try no-technique.

In your own life, this moment endeavour what is un-tried. Do, this moment what has never been done. Think, above all for yourself.Remember, what is little-known, especially all that we "do-do-not" is supremely important. With this new-found power you excel in handling difficult-to-meet situations with exemplary forthrightness, and over-the-top exuberance.Do not limit yourself to straight-line logical thinking. Catch up on a vexing, cronic, problem from a diamond-sharp, all-new angle.

One saga my father, Jangu, imprinted on my mind's in-most region i clasp with reverance even as you read. The "Gordian knot." Warriors and Chieftains from afar were magnetized towards the famed Gordian Knot. A gauntlet that stirred the deeper instincts of conquerors. In great number they came to try un-fasten the Knot. Each attempt was based on the logical known, logical, conventional way. The ominous Knot remained unrelenting. Un-yeilding. For tedious hours on bended knees chieftains grappled. Shaking form head-to-toe, but to zero effect. In a manner of speaking it had become a knot in the mind's of those who came. Till, Alexander whose spirit was already aflame. To his mind a gauntlet as daunting kept his spirit alive. He unsheathed his sword. And as wide-eyed vetran and tongue-tied soothsayer watched all-agogg; with one deft history-making stroke of intuitive, purposeful, decisiveness severed the messy knot, with clinical precision.Abracadabra, a mere boy,Alexander had unraveled adroitly a long-standing mental block.I see this as an all-classic example of a mind-set that finds a 'clear-cut' solution. Most often the simple-minded method pays handsomely. Simplicity, and clarity of thought, weilds, unfathomable self-ex-pression, beyond mere articulation or comprehension.

Often, this is all that's required.Alexander in one mental all-swift decisive stroke accomplished what lay un-done for many glowering centuries. Expect greatness in all you do. Impetuous and filled with audaciousness some might dub Alexander, but pretty darned effective and resourceful all the same.Problems, must NOT curtail the horizon-dwelling sweep, or, galaxy-extending reach of your mind. I might add if a problem, persists, allow your persistance and forebearance to grow syk-high. Have you re-considered giving the problem a problem? Prevent it from taking root, inside. Constriction of thought festers like an open wound, and becomes an unsightly tumor to immobilize.

A time comes, then, to cut-off the fear thought and summarily severe it, instantly.

That, will be the single most momentous positive-stoke you make.Think of the blazingly-alert scientifically-minded, Sir Fleming and his startling invention leading to the discovery of the wonder-drug. Penicillin. Imagine if he had not paid to the suspicious-looking mouldy substance in his jar? A mind a fraction less keen would have mistaken that epoch-making discovery as useless dirt. Or nothing of significence. To "find" his discovery from the outward appearing dirt was ingenious.Hankering after mere technique is to lose the muse of insight. It hovers around complete "mind-ful-ness" in the realm of intense "self-aware-ness." Where you concentrated focus, is, on just THAT. It re-connects you with your spirit-essence. Reflect with super-clarity. Are their any blocks on the path to what you seek? Be brutally honest with yourself. What is the one thing you aspire towards? Is consciousness, aligned as a diamond-sharp thought-ray right there?Come what may do not allowtimidness to hold you back, from what you believe.

Once, you have put your thought to the wheel of life, allow it to turn full circle. Until, the over-soul speaks, impels, guides you in all you do. No matter how opulent, or magnificent, your dream take the first step. The in-born ability to create what is stupendous is your birth-right. Expect nothing short of what is grandoise. The, just do that One thing. Whatever you can do, or dream, you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.With reverance, singular pride and untold forebearance continue to build, and fashion breth-taking castles along the silken sky-way of your mind. All that is birthed in the spirit-self, points to a timeless legacy. To immortality. Like a caravan-track, your dreams, will remain indelibly imprinted, for eternity along a dune in your mind.

Let your derring-do spirit pitch a fervour and devotion no less than a monk steeped in communion. And should you already be linked, intimately, with the blessing-bringing cadence of the cosmos, consider yourself especially fortunate, and twice blessed.So that with joy you might hand back to the genaration after you some of the priviliges and delight that you inherited from the one before you. A noble-minded legacy for future generations.

That your home-town and country shall be proud of you. A torch-bearer and wand-weilder of whatever emits, light. Dark, is mere ignorence. This interior cob-web once swept, aside, the light-essence of conviction dazzles by itself.

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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