Friday, May 30, 2008


Imagine, yourself at a sea-shore. Silent. Quiet. The shore waits. The high-tide and surf have long back to sea. Yet, the shore "knows" the in-coming tide must inevitably re-return. Of its own accord. To lap re-assuringly the expectant shore-line. Waitings, which ripen hopes must NOT be seen as delays.

So it is from this in-coming high-tide that your boat's sail billows best.

You, become a voice-box, a conduict to a far superior power. And the out-going, flow, is the influence you exert. What others instantly "sense."

At this in-coming and out-flowing, is a sacred confluence.From, that link is a YOG born. During any such moment, of intense attunement, you are engaged in a Yoga most fluid. Your audience, might be in rapture.

The performer is entirely, unaffected.

Sudden self-illumination is one thing. Years, of impassioned practise and re-practise with dedicated one-pointedness trained to "ONE" pursuit, is quite another. And so prodigy, or those referred to as being God-gifted, comes to mind. For genius, divine inspiration, is something they seem to possess a super-abundance of. Yet, genius is a mis-used term.Genius, has learnt to perfect, superbly, with whatever they have. Some, might show this acumen, this superior prowess for riding, another for sketching. You, must use your key talent as no-onee else can. Re-focus your energy on one, and ONLY one exceptional super-gift.

One super-cause that means no less than life itself. THAT, must remain the ONE universe to absorb you like nothing else. Genius such as his does not come cheap.No mental distraction, not even the minutest, must be permitted to come in your way. Where others may disperse their in-dwelling super-focus on diverse activity, those who ascend the supra plane of accomplishment concentrate, solely, singularly on one key field.You cannot afford the luxury to fritter, leak or dilute even a drop of concentration. Select one endeavour. And se it through. Ones of such exceptional ilk train and make their inner being readily "available" to invoke, chanel and "receive" a copious in-flow of conducive currents, directly from the ever-flowing stream of inner consciousness.

Masters, learn gradually to so cultivate their interior resources, such to evoke awe. They, recognize the river of concentration, that springs, and meanders as a self-evolving chanel deep inside their being.Into this river's torrent, they master the method to slip in, and the river, superbly does the rest. This, in-flow they use optimally. Once, into the full stream and flow of this superior force, nothing, is allowed to swerve their flow. This, inner path paves and elicits a stupendous, unparalleled performance each time. Gradually, they are able to tune-in to this all-creative self-operative station, within, at will.

A mere command uttered internally, and they ascend levels that astonish and leave others spell-bound.Great tides of insight, and timely inspiration move freely past our inner self. Such, doers, possess the wherewithall, via that deeper inward-focussed reverance, that instantly puts them in "direct" touch with the Masters who aid in evolving Higher, Superior work. It is through flowing along, and accessing these tides of inward-felt inspiration that they makes them available to receive succour and strength that to some seems, almost magical.They learn to access, regulate this in-coming tide of creativity.

From this constant connection work prospers with a glitter that othewise, would be unattainable.Renaining 'yoked' to the Source from where this energy flows un-impeded is what they have mastered, most adroitly. It is from here that they are ceselessly, replenished, with this unspeakable power.

Beyond, this you, too must be acutely aware, that you, can call upon and summon forth this secret power, especially when you MOST need to access it. To know that it WILL be made available, even as you fervently call upon it is fundamental and of the esence.Remain in touch with your great cosmic river. It is from its liquid and rippling chanel that you will obtain masterely, super-touch.Like a cord-string resonates in unision from a harp. The strum-note and You, inter-twine. All melt into a one-ness... You forget yourself, completely. In this sublime all-too-brief g-a-ap, you find yourself...I see this as dusks mystic hour just before to sunset. As it dips. Vanishes, inside you, there is a brief pregnant, g-a-p.

Everything merges into you during such a moment... Once in this pitch you vibrate at asublime level.During one of Motzart's early concerts a genuis proclaimed: "Others may go to heaven through their works, but Motzart! He comes from there."

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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