Sunday, May 18, 2008

AUM SAINATH; Co-incidence No Coincidence

There are no coincidences. You, were not born by chance, or coincidence. One self-aware spermatazoon out of billions "knew" how to successfully fuse with THAT One waiting ova. Each of our wonder-filled births self-evolve from THAT acute knowingness. Then to peg so much on chance is hardly a worthy quest.Events, "co-incide" with what you love. View, co-incidence in this light-filled way. Creation from within. Your willing co-operation in the flowering of meaningful super-coincidences, is an essential key quantum. Your own consent is crucial. From here, more such events will trigger into your sphere. As your reality. To those seperated from this force-field the absolute reverse becomes true. Remember, be-aware that at all moments it is your 'CONSENT' that orchestrates your opportunities out of the same material from which another inadvertently invites set-backs.So events are created through your volition. Your willingness-to-do; and yearning-to-be. I notice most often in my own life, when im working or thinking along certain lines, say for this article, when just what i need appears, and pops-up. The thought that was in my mind shows up like a fluroscent tracer. This mysterious chain of events comes into being in myriad ways. It could speak to you through telivision. Alternatively, appear on the very line you NOW read. Like the glitter in a miner's pan. It might be an article in todays paper that 'speaks' precisely, on an area you are currently occupied about writing, yourself. On the other hand someone from halfway across te globe, writes in with exactly the precise data, with which im grappling.Such perfection is ever at work. All around. Thirsty bees are magnatized from afar to the lotus. The flower never calls. The visitors are irresistably drawn to the flower. All manner of beauty is attracted to such a transcendental pond. The multi-hued butterflies, dancing dragonflies, and the happy laughter of children, permeate such spots.The courage-filled, naature-attuned mind is akin to such a lake. As our thoughts attain a timeless rare fragrance, depth, and hue beauty-filled events, themselves will be drawn into our lives. The heaven-sent creatures appear because it is natural to do so. We too can invite greter beauty via the signal-codes we 'send out.' They must be an invitation to receive. Not to reject or repel. Does not a rubbish-heap do the same? Automatically attracting whats dreary and repelling. There are zero chance factors in our lives. Choices is a better term. You are responsible for the fragrance of your seed-thoughts. The work in each of our garden's is on-going... Our rewards will match the key messages that we must be ever-mindful to send out. Might thistle we planted, and the farmer expect however fervently a luscious grape harvest? The reverse, then, also hold bsolutely, TRUE.
Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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