Sunday, May 25, 2008


"Vibrations," are the subtler mental-forces which pervade your world. Vibrations, ultimately, determine your just place in the grander scheme of things. Everything, falls with its gamut. It, is akin to a unfathomable, sacred hollow from which all that is beauty-filled can be commanded, and drawn irresistably to you. Knowingly, or un-knowingly, right up-to-now, you have, accesed every one of your experiences, directly from the sacred vibratory-field. That, you are drawn to this article, this moment, is also, through vibrations self-pulling gravitational, field.

Everything we perceive, or know is a direct result of how we access this field-of-vibrations. Should you desire, to be successful then stay close to success-minded people. If you intend to awaken the genius, inside you, keep in the vicinity with those in-tune with path-breaking ideas. Your field-of-awareness, constantly, makes you self-evolve and grow into a mirror-image of the company you keep. Thoughts, are visitors. Be-aware of your often-invited visitors. Call, only, ones that uplift. Those, that radiate untold delight, and an indescribable other-worldy fragrance.

My Father, Jangu, cited me another fascinating real-life example to demonstrate the incalculabe, utterly stupendous power that vibrations weild. Soldiers, are always required to march in-step. However, during an all-crucial occassion, a troop is categorically commanded to march "out-of-step." Should a company of troops marching even-paced over a bridge, move in perfectly step, their combined vibrational-tramp "vibe-wave" would produce apendulum swaying of the bridge. Resulting, in shaking the structure to pieces. During the building of the Bridge on the River Kwai, this was a well-documented fact. The miracle-working Biblical story about The Walls of Jerico, also, succiently reveals the magical powers in 'subtler' vibrations.Ultimately, crumbling to ruble an impregnable towering wall. Gideon, who with abiding faith had prayed to God for guidance. With concentrated unflagging super-intensity, in unision Gideon's men blew upon the shrill piercing ram's-horns; day-upon-day the combined reverberation of drums and horns wrought a "pitch" so sharp; the culminating stroke being the penetrating cry from the men. Making the walls crumble into powdery rubble.

Thought, must radiate a highly-charged frequency pitch. So thought becomes a sacred-most Mantra. That inner fervour becomes your magical incantation, ringing as a sonic-boom in-tune to the music of the spheres. This energy's in-flow and out-flow through you perennial. An all-attracting re-echo inwardly-produced, outwadly-projecting re-echo ring.

Moving, silent as a sound-wave out from your heart, to settle, into hearts near-by and a-far. Nature reveals this power of vibrations, everywhere.

A bee-hummingbird, no larger than a bumble-bee produces a breath-taking 3000 wing-beats a minute. The "whirr-humm" gives 'hummers' their name. Flying-foxes, emit low-pitched frequency beats. Sonar-waves during their all-night, far-flung navigational flights. Whales, who plumb to staggering 900-metre depths pulse soprano-like squeaks, that travel as communication signals in the subterranean abyss. Elephants produce a sound, inaudible to us, which travels over a mile. We live in an endless sea of consciousness. A universal library. A hook-up that responds, directly, to your specific thought, only. Your thought when clear, produces its own ripple-efect. Like a stone tossed into a pool. The pitch, depth, resonance, and "charge" in your thought, determine the velocity with which it reverberate and rolls like thunder across our universe.

You, were born with such collosal powers. We may not yet, be fully aware of the formidable vibrations and powers that we already self-possess. Concentrate, fully assimilate and fully re-ingest this sentence. Put the artice aside for a moment. Gaze, inward. Gradually it will self-dawn upon you. You, will 'know' how you are precisely 'where' you are. The, fact that the underlying import of this message means a great deal to you, points, to this same all-compelling domain: "VIBRATIONS". You, have self-tuned-in and brought these thoughts within your reach in a similar, manner.
It is no different to standing before your clear looking-glass mirror. It, instantly and faithfully reflects whatever is placed before it. Life, reflects a replica reality of the key thoughts you thought, up-to-now.Know, that long before we arrive at a destination, your combined quantum vibrational-field has already travelled first-class-first. Long before you even left. The crucial life-awakening, unseen, vibratory fluid, like bone-marrow is generated in you. Your own consent to each thought is paramount. Only, you have the power to accept, harbour, or veto a thought.The "outer" action is a trigger activated much later. The "cause," or self-arising thought is the key area to remain ever-vigilant with. Zoom-in to, your dominant thoughts. With a watch-ful-ness no less than a sharp-sighted falcon.

Yes, many thoughts flow-in and out. I speak of those ones that you are prone to hold on to most. Those, you repeatedly call to mind. It is from these "seeds-beds" that your future experiences will continue to take shape, evolve and an grow.

Situations, no matter how intimidating are of little consequence.Your "reaction," or dynamic "response" to them matters, most.

As surely as the self-spreading, ever-evolving rain-tree in my garden grows; from where i transmit you this message, on the subtler breath of breeze...

Cyrus jehangir Sataravalla

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