Thursday, May 22, 2008


I want to re-assure and emphasize that once you make fear your comrade-in-arms, you garner gigantic magnetic forces to work over-time on your behalf. Master these and transmute stress to devastating advantage. Turning baser metals into gold does little to inspire or set fre my in-dwelling creative fire-fly. Yet, far more revealing and life-changing is the subtle work of a thought-alchemist.

He, is one who converts and uses great dificulty to ultimately grow into a magnificent advantage, that in time re-awakens and benifits ll mankind. This light-essence of thought, is te laser from which i intuit my best-ever life lessons. Stress, i have learnt "is" a consciousness-expanding bracer. A pick-me-up tonic of unimaginable potency. Catapulting you with ferocious intensity. Stress, must be inwardly,recognized as a blessing-bringing, desire-fulfilling boon. Understand, it is distress that kills forward progress.

Hypnotizes, retards and dampens the your cretive fluids. Recognize the key difference between stress, which is forward-seeing, productive and life-affirming, and distress (fiqr) which is retrograde. Fear need not be the sharp two-edged sword blade you hold. It must not be permitted to become the lid blowing off a pressure-cooker. Kept in perspective, fear, acutely alive. Those unaware of this reality self-paralyze themselves into a stupor. Even before attempting your noble-minded pursuits. An outwardly frail-looking David comes to mind. Half-hidden under the ominous shadow of a glowering Goliath. David's response: "He's so big, i can't possibly miss."

Or, WW11 French Commander Marshall Foch's battle-wearied smouldering ship that was almost sinking, valiantly exult: "My centre is giving way, my right is pushed back. Situation excellent, Im attacking." Or, Emperor Bonaparte's inspiring insight to arouse his soldiers flagging spirits at the Pyramids: Soldiers 40-centuries gaze down upon you from the summit of the Pyramids."Decide which option will you rather exercise. The flame of valour or the fear of inaction. The only thing we have to fear, is, the thought of fear. Do te very thing you fear and you imbibe untold courage.

From interior-dwelling depths it brings to the fore your light-witnessing: "I-mean-business" intuitive faculties. This supra-dazzling razor-keen mental edge must be made to work, completely, on your behalf.On the galaxy we live on, dreams were created with one singular purpose: "To come true." Remember, it is certain, specially, when it seems impossible.Let me re-phrase that, such dreams "ONLY" come true.There are but 2 imperative central conditions: You, must seethe ardently with the willingness-to-do and the yearning-to-be. The 2nd quantum: "Live your Dream." Qualify, on this two-fold count and Grace from the heavens will propel you. The gravity-defying power that rotates the earth works on your behalf. Stress, is necessary. In fact until it piles up to our eye-lids it can be appreciated and used as it was meant to be. Sometimes, i push myself beyond the comfort envelope of safety into the abyss for the pure experience. An exploration of the boundaries has a certain mystique to it. Danger, is exciting in all its guises. Like intuition it has a heart, once, you be-friend it.

Stop looking at nervousness, and stress as negative limiting traits. Both a part of all you do.Deep, within us dwell those slumbering powers. Powers that will astonish you. Ones that you secretly dream of possesing. Know that every one of these forces reside, and await being self-actualized by you.I want you to imagine yourself facing a terrifying black bull. No duel demands more courage, and "mind-ful-ness" than a man on foot against a menacing bull. When 2-ton's fighting bull shoots out hurting full-tilt at a matador, it is a sight utterly mortifying. With neck muscles thick as radial-tyres, and horns sharper than a rapier. Hurtling at the bull-fighter like a lumering freight-train without brakes. The contrast between its enermous bulk and the physical smallness of the 60-kg matador most jarring. The Matador is a Zen archer. Lightening reflexes his armour. Delay, indecision will cost him his life. Yet, weight and mere muscle have little to do at that arena, with the smell of death so heavy.

The matador is open to an invincible secret that towers light-years beyond the bulk of the bull. He has a healthy fear for the animal. Yet, he converts, re-channels and gains a certain self-mastery over the fear. He is at all moments in complete control over his inner emotion. He keeps it in total check. This pumps up massive doeses of adrenaline. Fear, aids, keep him on his toes like at a ballet-dance. Remember, if fear were entirely absent, he couldn't be a prize-fighter. He would be half-asleep. So, he uses and taps-in, secretely, to massive channels of adrenaine. Imagine, him tap-in to this zone just as when you take a sustained-release antibiotic. The in-built, self-releasing fluid of power that the figher draws from is one most subtle. Legendary matadors remain supremely in chargeand command of what he has to do. He makes the danger a hydrant he draws continually from. He is a master of gut-feel, fore-sight. His instinct way beyond the Sixth Sense.He re-transforms everythig that appears intimidating, into a benificial shot of magic, flowing far and deep into his veins.Flooding him with an unstoppable source of power.

A superior-most Thought-Alchemist is he.You, have to ask yourself just one question. Are you immersed, creatively engaged with HAT one profession you yearned-for since you were, perhaps, four?Next time you are run-down and have a touch of the flu, or a fever; or when caught in a snarling traffic jam, remember the swash-buckling devil-may-care bull-fighter. In that moment you will learn the art of speakingly, only, encouragingly to yourself. To your situationwhatever it may be. Conserve, your secret mind-rays, and thought-vibes for greater things.Ypu then become a master of sorts. A super-alchemist You self-masterthe subtle art of transmuting difficult situations into GOLD. For, when your are a part of the "solution", there is no problem. Discovery, consists of re-looking at the very same thing as everyone else, and thinking something different...

This is the key-insight with which to advance forward with an absolutely splendid heart. You, have thus acclamatized yourself with fear. That, will be an advantage you will cherish above almost any other.

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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