Thursday, May 22, 2008


An abiding belief in the Super-Natural and its formidable forces came during my formative years. Like the mystery of life, or, breath it is self-birthed. What appears as Super-Natural in truth, is completely and utterly Natural.

Super-Natural, is astoundingly spontaneous. The most down-to-earth force in our day. Inherent and available in super-abundance all around. Available, to those who re-call their divine origin. The gift of soul-remembrance (yaad-daasht) is a sacred chalise; a flame-bright fire-altar. So bright the flame of remembrance, that almost unbidden long-forgotten seed-thoughts, curl up reassuringly within. Such are the tongues of flame that speak one-on-one with you now. Weather we are aware of it or not, we are a part of the Natural cosmos; and the Natural world is a part of us. Indeed, my understanding of this evolved, and emerged slowly, over time, as Natural events have a habit of doing. At last we have begun to 'intuit' the ever-present vital connection between our own well-being, and at-one-ment and that the Natural web-work is far closer-by than we thought.

Like wave-crests of distant deja vu. All you had 'half-forgotten' self-arises. Like whales surface. For us to re-surface, after merging with our unfathomed depths is an essential part in the scheme of things. "Soul-memory" can "re-surface" in myriad ways. As a deep-dwelling submarine does. Or, like a bank of clouds billowing around a mist-wrapped mountain-crest. You, could be walking along that cliff-edge, and a part of the steep-sided summit-crest remains obscured.Leviathons of the deep dive to 900-metres. Yet, must re-surface. A Presence you recognize, instantly. You re-remember all that is worthy of re-call. Whatever surfaces, thus, to our conscious surface, comes from the deeper still abyss within. Staggering wealth lies in a meadow-filled valley, submerged, just beneath the edge of consciousness. Everything of meaning that has impacted my world has flowered from this inner beauty-filled region.What the surface mind grapples with for life-times,the deeper mind unravels with supreme agility.Life, has a multiplicity of ways through which it brings one back home, to the summit-crest, of the self.

Fluroscent guide markers appear all along the Way-Stations. You only need to recognize them. A Way-shower appears. I have found this strange phenomenon, as we push forward, to our amazement, when we appear to be confronted with a dilemma; just at "that" half-moment, quite like a man appearing out of the mist. To our utter delight we find a Path-Pointer, or, Way-Shower has appeared.Someone as it were, to reveal, and Point out and chart a true path past the mist.No thread-strand is in isolation. We are carpet-weavers. No two "thought-stitches" are identical. We pick up our own strands. A tapestry intimately entwined, mysterious, yet most apparent. We must pick up our precious-most experiences with soul-ful fullness. Making each Thought-suture with beauty-filled elegance. As a boy what i held in imagination ("vikalpa") was already true. What transpired 'inside' was my 'reality.' What i entertaind, inside, was my mould and palette.

To this moment whatever has healed, soothed, inspired or stung has taken life from the garden, within. What you "ask" for in right earnest the universe will furnish. Nature demonstrates a deep being-ness to an order pulsed to supra-perfection. Re-call, the timing of your own birth to know, every event is orchestrated BANG-ON time...

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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