Friday, May 23, 2008


Focus, unflinchingly on the quintessential quest we call purpose (maqsad). Your Raison d' etre or, your very reason for which you are living. Hitch your chariot to the resplendent horse of a higher calling. Such a noble chariot you are destined to operate. Purpose exerts unfathomable self-pulling power.

Your all-white steeds are high-spirited chargers, that prance in unision. When in the inner-knowing of your mind, your horses pick up your every command, instinctively.You can forget to eat. Forget to sleep. Forget whatever you will, and whatever your short-comings, its consequence will not matter. Yet, whatever you do and wherever you roam, in all moments, and no matter what befalls you, clasp close to your soul the superior-most, jewel-bright talisman of purpose.

Purpose, weilds an incalculable destiny-awakening gravitational force-field. Once, in its grip you come into the knowing.A specific duty (farz) is the reason you are here. Some are en-trusted with a purpose, possibly greater, than others. But in esence whatever be your duty it is hallowed and spiritually sanctified. Some are born a with simpler-minded purpose. Faithfully, devoutly fulfilling that assigned purpose with no stone left un-turned is what matters, most.In the Sufi Master Jalal d-Din Rumi's Table Talk there is this fierce, diamond-bright passage. There is but "One Quest" in the world which must never be forgotten. Imagine a king entrusting you with a specific all-pressing task. You, traverse desert-dune, ocean, mountain-peak, and valley-bottom. You remember every other thing, yet, forget the single arrow-sharp point you were assigned. During your voyage had you forgotten everything... your own name, yet remained entwined and super-vigilant to THAT "one-great-task" you will have superbly accomplished what many come here to fulfill, but are prone quickly to forget.

Purpose is the "all-in-one" purpose of our lives.Be-aware that your purpose is most obvious. Once, you heed what the well-marked, self-illuminated, deeply-glowing fluorescent sign-posts along the way-stations are constantly telling you. just as a tigers stripes are embedded into its flaming coat.How will you recognize it, i can hear you say? You, will know instantly. No force on earth will be able to seperate you from a dead-steady purpose. So inter-woven are you and self-mated to your purpose. Have you tried to seperate an wave-crest from the ocean? Does a lark think about where to 'search' for its honey-sounding symphonic scores? Similarly, do you for even a fleeting half-moment, become forgetful of how to breathe?

Purpose is not all-mysterious. It is as obvious as any of Natures myriad beauty-filled wonders.wild-eyed eagles ride the criss-cross currents of thermals on high, effortlessly. They select a slip-stream, instinctively. Never is it the self-rising thermal that 'rides' an eagle. Eagle, choose thermals to suit their self-spiralling high-G dive into the heavens. Life has myriad pathways. Like a sniper, select just One most meaningful to you.

Rivers ultimately pour into an all-embracing ocean. Does the ocean send any river back? You must decide which river, which stream of work you ntend to dive headlong into. Once you make that all-compelling dive, stick by that swim. Honour it. The swift-flowing wave-crests and wave-tops will carry you happily-ever-after to a destiny divine. Get of the safe-appearing river-bank. Take your head-long plunge.Listen-in, to intuitions infllible counsel. Once you do you remain twice-blessed. Your purpose is as unique, as distinct as your DNA. As specific as your thumb-print.

Technique, is never as important as what your heart tells you. Trust that during all moments. As you journey along your path-way all-new insights and a window to perception will 'appear.' Share the sacredness of these nectar-filled moments with others on their paths.Awaken to the marksman in you. Life, presnts may targets. You, must decide the enriching life-affirming ones to super-focus upon. To clear-sightedly zoom-in to. And which to de-focus or zoom-out of.Use your in-built faculty to devastating effect. Re-build, hone and refurbish your God-given stellar traits. Eliminate the negatives, as you would lint off your hand-made European suit. At a picnic when a flys dampen the fun, do we not swot them with singular ease. Do the same with whatever doesn't work for you. Varied perfume-filled flowrs adorn a garden.

Butterflies make their selection with ease. You, too must select your Way-Staions, firmly.Finally. Making up your mind to a laser-point of super-certainty (yaqeen) is definitely the essence of what im focussing your attention on...

Cyrus jehangir Sataravalla

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