Sunday, May 25, 2008


Virginia Woolf, once said that the challenge of a writer, was not to change the world, but provide each reader with just "ONE" all-provocative thought to write down, place upon their mantle-piece, or, mull over and eschew in mind.

If, you have found even One life-changing spark to contemplate upon, from our time together, you are off to a splendid start. A launch to the transforming authenticity in you. A single such spirit-spark, is sufficeint to take in, on any given day.Friends, often ask which my best-loved books and influences are. Your eye and memory for everdday detail via the intimacies of experiences must combine to become an unforgettable memorabilia. A timeless idea breathes one trait, that ordainary ideas might not. It does beautifully a single thing of unparalleled significence: Great ideas seep, deep, down into ones bones. It takes many years to get the sound out of our system; the sight out your eyes. Or, the smell out of your nostrils. Nor, yet the memory out of your mind. A good enough idea in the long run finds its own readers. People who believe in it because they cannot help believe it.

Remember, you need not attempt to use all the myriad pathways and ideas to success. Walking down just one fir-lined trail, most meaningful and conducive to your growth may be all you need, to elicit constant encouragement, and work wonders in your life. Do not be too concerned if the flames of your desire give off little heat, as you begin. Their temperature will rise, gradually, as you begin to recognize how you can still accomplish in the moments with you.As you come to more fully appreciate thoughts power to draw, you come to a deeper intuitive aware-ness; an iridescencnt spectrum. An explosion of colours never-before-witnessed. Some, use these strands with the time alloted to create remarkable structures that glow phosphorescent. Luminour lives that inspire, instantly.A mere touch, and one is re-charged. Such ones hold the lightening-rod that activates and governs a forward-seeing momentum and progress. A super-natural cosmic energy crackles a response in all they touch, say or do. As though the God's shower them with a hidden secret power.

Your, own, "response" to life's experiences is what ultimately matters. Life, is determined at the sacred confluence of your response. The re-play of each response, that you entertain, is the are to remain watchful of. For instance you may not be happy with the 100 golf-ball shots you executed. View, them in perspective as 100 seperate RESULTS.

So re-view every thought as a response. Your response-mechanism is the only quantum that may be off-balance, within. Power at all moments surges with you. So irrespective of your situations, your response alone holds awesome potency.Find out your constant inner response. The dialogue might take you by surprise.The gift of anticipation and suspense remains a cherished gift available to us. The unexpected, makes our lives more invigorating. In the next all-pregnant moment anything could transpire, to change the entire direction of your life powerfully. Trying to imitate another, is to miss the soul-ful magic in you. Nectar-gathering bees do not plunder flowers. They, bring far in excess to what they appear to take-off with.

Those heaven-sent visitors propagate and successfully re-pollinate myriad meadow-pastures with a profusion of more fructose-filled flowers. You, "sense" the uncanny inter-wovenness, the delicate web-strands of your web-work. Beyond, every plane exists an intangible, not outwardly-apparent, but inwardly-sensed all-encompassing factor: "Character." Most invigorating, all-compelling is the cosmic charge woven-in to character. Be it an emperor, the man-on-the street, or a tramp; character has no favourites. Like the sun it is for all to absorb, inwardly. Character, has nothing whatsoever to do with the outward wealth, or the trappings of power. With this trait you resonate with a diamond-like brilliance. A sharpness, like the sun self-radiates from you.

Through it all things are yours. Without it absolutely nothing, of true long-lasting value can be attained.What Formula 1 is to the speed-aces. Or, opera is to La Scala, character is to life itself... Your inner treasure-trove...

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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