Friday, May 30, 2008


When you have passed a single, ordinary, day beautifully. Done what you believe in. Done it regardless of what you heard or were told. Did, it ONLY, because you trusted, and knew it to be true to you.

That, is the day an all-clear soul-full voice speaks. Communes with you. One-on-one. You need not woner afar in search of this stellar voice. Become, still and so inwardly ready, that it is invoked to alight with delight, inside.

Such an arch-angel flies through you, often during your day. Slow down. Relax. Recognize, this voice the next time. And it might well be your most meaningfully-loaded, moment. My most profound insight is from a paradoxical source. Unpublished by man, however all-pervasive. "Life itself" is our greatest teacher. Nature remains a cherished inner tutor. Your "mind's-eye" and memory for everyday high-detail and the intimacies of experience combine to become your masterpiece. An enriching ever-evolving source of constant, encouragement.

In acordance with this cardinal truth, saint Francois de Sales' remains a spiritual light-house to many. In an exceedingly dignified and keen-spirited manner he treated even the most insignificent person who approached him. Happily, entering into rapt conversation, speaking and listening-in with Godness to all. To those that asked why he wasted his precious time, his answer startles: "It is God's will. It is what He requires of me, what more need I ask? While I'm doing this, i'm not required to do anything else. God's Holy Will is the center from which all we do must radiate. All else is mere weariness and excitement." So each of your so-called chance encounters with an oedinary-looking bus-conducter, or train co-passenger can be eye-opening. By careful and sensitive universal obedience to everyone, ultimately, in time we become, "all things to all men." For me, sharing a tete-a-tete with a mechanic back-of-nowhere proved, unforgettable. Or, sharing a fist-full of honey-flavoured jaggery at a road-side stop-over. Possibly, an encounter with a wizened farmer at his pumkin-field was a soul-full experience. Not just enchanting, but a learning such as i could not have imbibed anywhere. The sparkling simplicity of such folk, coupled with their royal super-generocity, influenced and impacted me, powerfully. Vis this conduict during various stages of my life, a specific person, meaningful encounter, or pertinent book to my present need, always "appears." With a timing beyond any man-made clock.Repeatedly, i witness the wonder of the specific book, person with the "very" thoughts im devoted to, appearing before me. Whatever you need, arrives on cue.Such sacred coming together can transpire, anywhere. Your next-door neighbour, one you never met, might drop by, with an idea or book presenting lucid sections on a theme precious-most to your, moment. An impromptu conversation with a total stranger on a train dining-car could hold intimate relevance to your present-moment situation. Each of us witness this happen, in our day-to-day ordinary life. For instance, i walk into a store, reflecting along certain lines, and the person next to me, someone i have never met, is voicing those "very" thoughts. During those moments, become aware, that they are being self-triggered; and are "MEANT" especially for you.This universal web-link, beams and puts one instantly in direct TOUCH, with whatever holds immense significence during that half-moment.I have learned first-hand that such, spiritually-significent moments occur un-planned. You cannot analyze or force serendipity What straight-lined logic and a million brain-storming sessions cannot reveal. Just to recognize these moments of mind-stuff magic is a wonder by itself.Yesterday, just as i was writing of this connectedness being self-triggered anywhere, at the barbers, for instance. I had just typed-in "barbers" and my cell chimes, and my "barber" Sandip had already tuned-in.True, shaan-o-shauqat they displayed. Their astonishing depth of wisdom, and intimate connectedness to the beauty, within, was enlightening.That, these thoughts tumbled out and eventually found you, is witness to the magic of synchronicity and cosmic congruence.This is a soul-ful moment for me, as i trust it will be for you. So as you pause and peruse a line that appeals ONLY to you. Or commune with a paragraph that applies, specifically, to you. An oracle voicing truths,pertinent to your need and stage of self-aware-ness.

God-willing after free-wheeling through these thermal-currents, you sense deja vu and feel delighted to be alive. As you shout in jubilation and re-call your natural-born invincibility, as master of the impossible. Thermal-diving into the slipstream of a current utterly invigorating...

Then what more might one ask?

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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