Sunday, May 18, 2008


The Over Soul, or will-power is the force which sets the brain in motion. It determines what effect the thought generated will have, and also what strength. It rests within ourselves to decide the stage we are to reach in each successive incarnation. Yet, if we seek the intelligent co-operation of the all-complelling Over Soul we can, if we so intend, accomplish in one self-aware life what might otherwise take centuries to fulfill. If you concentrate and think, only of success you will gain it. Should you give your heart to just success, you will succeed for a time only. Bear in mind that the voice of the Spirit must be obeyed also, and that before you can achieve earthly happiness you must be equally advanced in the spiritual quest as in material pursuits.To a certain extent we are ordained by destiny, yet so far as general events of each incarnation are concerned we are alone responsible, accountable, for them. Each of us is a power in themselves, possesing all the potential of divinity. They need not seek for light-essence from without. Yet, this is the most difficult lesson that the student has to learn, assimilate and inwardly digest. It is curious that he may read it in numerous books, be told it by as many teachers, but until he has arrived at a certain stage of attunement or inward-directed concentration he cannot realize the fact for what it is worth.Instead of projecting our thought-rays outward to either convey a message, receive an answer, or to attract cerain affinities we desire from the infinite, i speak of self-directing or, "inward-turning" of our thought-forces and continue in such a manner that no outward 'leak' whatsoever, occurs. This inward-projected concentration is a precious-most jewel you possess.Often, the searcher after sacred forces doubts his own power and divinity, and then one obtains a curtailed, scattered, benifit. It is the poor opinion of ones own powers which keeps one in the background. Also, when we forget that every moment of our lives we are fashioning the web-strands of the future. That is to say, that all ones thoughts to-day may take material form tomorrow, or day after, so that each time we fail to concentrate with earnest purpose man postpones his future happiness.Should you intend to overcome some bodily ill, get a clear grasp of the part that needs renovation, and then turn all your concentrated thought-force inwards to send a strong message of rejuvinatited at-one-ness to that part. Over and above medication a stongest-ever intent for a speedy self-induced healing is of the essence.So when you utter, "I am strong, I am well, I am divine, Iam invincible" your INTENT at that moment believes this to be a present-moment REALITY, and not a future occurance. Do not say these words parrot-like Think of all they put within you, and all they open up before you. You, are making your future NOW. So when you sit in mindful concentration extinguish every other extraneous thought-flicker. Allow just one flame-thought to arise. Thus, you weave your own fate, good, bad or indifferent.Should you desire business success concentrate all your thought-force upon the matter that must succeed. Image, it intently. Then ordain it aloud in your thought. See it a success. Expect that succes to self-manifest. Having done that, begin to weave your thought into powerful current-rays. See these currents travelling to the object and surrounding it, until it is bathed in powerful self-luminous currents of self-attracting thought-force. These currents be aware are more charged that a lightening-bolt and travel at a velocity quick as light journeys, unimpeded through tghe known dimensions, or, space-time vortex. These in turn act as a magnet and pull irresistably to you all the good you intend. All manner of benificial meetings and beauty are drawn into your orbit-field. So, the first ingredient via imagination is to concentrate. The 2nd is see your mind producing a subtle full of this marvellous power. So organized thought travels in a straight line accomplishing, automatically, whatever you "sent" at out for and "returns" to you laden exactly with what you coded-in.The mind is used for creating mental pictures. The will-power is used for projecting those mental pictures upon the grey matter of another persons brain apparatus. The eye is used for creating magnetic explosions, while the use of the voice is for the conveyance of any particular emotion. As you do clothe yourself, you master how to saturate yourself with the adornment of a particular thought.You do not merely assume an emotion. You, ARE that emotion for the time, every nerve and fibre of your inner being responds to the call of your imagination makes upon it. Notice how a great speaker rivets and sways his awe-struck audience not just by what he utters, but "How" he instills and senses that vibe, first, within himself. So if you assume the emotion of say the spiritual, you must bring to yourself that intense, undiluted sensation of awed reverance, "As If" in the hallowed Presence of your beloved-most Deity. Until the very ether, around, is pre-charged with your electric message. Patience before all things, and faith, the certitude of obtaining results are essential key forces on your path.Never mind what the surface, You, may be. Underneath let the ripple-free currents of indomitable will gide you to what you desire. Once you have put your hand to the plough, do not turn back. Go on fast if you can, if not go slowly, but GO ON. If you have begun a thing, if you have formulated a desire, regard it as already your own, for it is so if you have the gumption and courage to continue.Before you can send out any impression of an emotion effectively, you have to materialize it in abundance within yourself. It is not enough to just tink in an abstractmanner, for that will accomplish nothing lasting. You must absolutely "become" the emotion; flood your being with with. Shut out every other emotion. Sit down quietly by yourself, and gradually, but surely see yourself grow into the semblance of that ONE key emotion. So once saturated with power, love, or knowingness you must be so saturated that your are in that half-moment a living embodiment of it. And of it alone. You have lovingly worn it as you do your favourite suit. You are master of this emotion. You don it lke an over-coat. You can take it off as easily.Above all remember, you must be master of the desire which impels your magnetic action. The desire must not be master of you. Thus you will not be a mere plaything in the hands of fate; but an equal wire-puller of a destiny altogether divine.And so the good boat of thought with you its Helmsman sails serene into the still harbour of attunement...Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla 9823110144 26125457 Pune

"How well written and thoughtful this is Cy. love, shirin"

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