Sunday, May 18, 2008

AUM SAINATH; Amazing Grace

All that is visible, clings to the ever-present invisible; the audible to the inaudible; the tangible to the intangible; and yes, the THINKABLE to the UN-THINKABLE.A single clarified thought-ray catapulted from consciousness traverses space-time dimensions at mind-bending velocity, at gravity-defying speed.

Smashing past or through obstacles and reaching its goal in the shortest possible route. A magnetized piece of steel will lift effortlessly 7 times its weight. The magnetized man knows he is born to triumph. If you wish to be happy keep company with happy people. To awaken to the genius in you walk beside those in touch with great ideas. You, are a thought alchemist. True THOUGHT-ALCHEMISTS can "intuit", and actually THINK what cannot be THOUGHT. With that subltest mind-expanding wand our generation will witness more progress than the previous four generations.My name is Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla and im the authour of a 1000-page self-help book titled BEYOND-GUTS. When i was 18 all 6-feet of my large intestine and rectum were removed after a Marathon 13-hour life-changing surgery iun USA. Later in 1992 3-feet of my small guts were cutt off. However i was twice-blessed as the subtlest sacred-most doorway to TRUE GUT-FEEL, Perception and INTESTINAL FORTITUDE swung wide-open. When something we consider precious exits; far far rarer privileges become available. In the place of what went, subtler forces, silently, desend. That, sacred-most zone i pay utmost heed and remain loyal and ever-obedience to. What goes is NOT needed in the first place.

In truth with the clutter gone, and the static and extraneous sounds gone, you can begin to lesten-in to intuition. As what's unimportant, exits, onefor the first time can tune-in and re-connect with SPIRIT. With what matters MOST...

Intestinal guts collect mere waste. Beethoven was deaf, and ONLY after going outwardly, deaf, was ABLE to "intuit" decipher and "HEAR" the Nineth Symphony. Cosmologist Stephen Hawking unravels mysteries of outer space, inspite of the wheel-chair he has to endure. In truth the only ones who are wheel-chair bound are those who are not in-tune or in-synch with the transforming galaxies that whirl and revolve in inner space.Through self-mastery over the tiny 6-inches of INNER-SPACE, we hold the vibrant golden self-magnetic key-insight to unravel mystreies over OUTER-SPACE.

The crucial count-down IS in inner-space. Whatever you habitually focus upon in consciousness you instantly create MORE of.While it is a simple procedure to count the number of seeds in an apple, who amongst us can fathom how many potental apple-orchards lie dormant in a single seed? Nothing transpires by mere chance, or, what is termed as co-incidence. Our life-web is a series of inter-woven CHOICE-COMMANDS that we trigger through the inward thought process. These thought-buds are akin to seed-pods and in time via the nutrient of "UNBENDING INTENT" self-flower into experiences in each of our lives. I witness rapt, awe-struck at the divine all-knowing life-cycle of fusion. Even a single spermatazoon out of many billion has that "self-awar-ness" of how to fuse with that One ova. Then, our lives follow a similar mysterious but certain pattern where we can "will" adn allow more and varied beauty to enter our paths...Staying with the limited known is always comfortable; yet making that shift with the unknown is where your greatest-ever onward growth awaits you. The unknown is the single all-knowing quantum that already KNOWS all. Discovery, consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else and THINKING something different.To set ablaze the hidden fire-fly of inspiration within, gaze up at a night sky and commune, inwardly, in queisence with a single brightest star. Remember just as that one star fascinates you, it acknowledges your effervescence and blinks in acknowledgement and wonder at your after-glow. In this context your problems whatever they might be are swiftly brought into rightful perpespective. Then like the fire-fly, you in moments of darkness will set free the self-luminous fire-fly that burns with jewel-bright phosphorescence, inside you.

Then, like a finely-tuned musical instrument, your thought strum resonates with the breath of the universe. Like a Zen archer, watch, with total mind-ful-ness your in-most thoughts. Your mind being the bow-string; Place your higher Purpose upon imagination. Will-power, is the velocity with which you release your arrow-tip. Gods Grace the trajectory that keeps it constant. Bang-on course, till it mates with a destiny altogether magical. Utterly divine...Often, im asked if i hypnotize. The reverse is true. I de-hypnotize people from limiting beliefs. Faith a-arises itself.

Making the impossible a reality everytime. If the so-called dead can speak and write, i have learnt first-hand to TRUST the power of THOUGHT, and listen-in the light-house, within...Do oceans speak of fathomless depth; does the sun search for light-essence? Do rivers write books on flow? These very forces are in-built and natural deep deep down within you...

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla
Self-Help author
Motivational Speaker
E4 Ashoka
3 Naylor Road
Pune 411001

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