Sunday, May 25, 2008


i was barely four when my Father 'Jangu' seeded my impressionable soul with a stark message of stupendous dream-fulfilling power that to this moment, it's immeasurable impact remains emblazoned with reverance upon my brain: "When the sun-fire in your "will" glows strong enough, rivers can be squeezed from a stone."

Water steadily smoothens a stone one is conversant with. That, rivers can and must be wrought from a stone is quite something else.

Like a tiger you hold unsurpassed power, strength and mystery. Huge hidden reserves, surge, silent in you. The life in a tiger and its will to live is unimaginable. Life may leave the tigher, yet, a tiger never abandons life. Such a valiant tiger lies coiled in you; ready to leap in one awesome bound directly onto the back your destiny. You too are majestic and undisputed master of your purpose. Whatever your goals may be, such a supreme confidence is the one to hone, re-sharpen and cultivate to a laser-sharpened point.

To find a compelling future, pursue your present-moment goals with ferocious intensity. Act, until you achieve. Your resolve must coincide and be constant with your core set of ingrained beliefs. A spirit-self and super-will are there for each of us. What, you shape from these determines your destiny. Any cause for which you hold a "magnificent awareness," and believe with white-heat faith has a potental to catapult you far.Be hundred percent sure of your magic, inside.Now-ness, is magic. Millions nurse a flickering dream but never stoke and ignite it til it bursts into an unstoppable far-spreading flame.

Merely musing i-wish-had, i-hope-to will accomplish nothing concrete of their own. Think, how will you know if you can paint that picture, run that Marathon, start that long-desired business, earn that degree, orate that speech, write that magnum opus, win that race, bake that beautifully-made souffle; catch that long-dreamt fish; or build that doll's-house cottage, unless you gird yourself and START here-now.

Your "willingness-to-do" and resolute "yearning-to-be" cut across all lines. The indomitable "I-can I-will" spirit is the greatest common factor in varied accomplishments be it earning a PhD; aiding destitute children, becoming a Five-star General, or riding a winner at Churchill Downes. Most vital is that you must INTEND it deeply. That un-bending INTENT in you is a most powerful self-operative generator, to urge you on. Give yourself the key permission to thermal-dive headlong into the slip-stream of what you yearned-for; and believed you wanted more than anything else in the world since you were four.

You, are opportunity, and you must knock on the window-pane leading to your destiny. In 1942 imagine if Colombus had said: "The weather is treacherous and stormy. Better to abort sailing out till it clears." Do not surrender to your dificulties. Instead with a stoutest heart follow with diligence the star-lit path of your myriad assets. Expect, at all times greatness from you. Settle, only for the finest life has to offer. It is your heritage and divine destiny that tells you to think well of yourself. The next time you catchyourself daydreaming about someone or something coming to you, stop yourself, and resolve to do yourself whatever is necessary to bring it about.

For the world to beat a direct pathway to your door-step, it can ONLY do so after it discovers who you are. Where you can be reached. You, dear reader must first let it know you are here, and that you are eager to give off your hard-learnt talent. Instead of relying on luck, go-ahead and make your own.Your talent may be enormous. Yet, talent and potential un-anounced to the rest of the world is wasted. Resist the tendency that things will happen and instead "make-them-happen." A great feeling to cary is that the centre of the universe, is, in your heart. You carry that point wherever you go.

Above all during trying times do not stop trying.

The world's greatest-ever tap-dancer to this day arguably, remains, Fred Astaire. In 1933 the M.G.M. casting Director wrote these deregatory lines about Astaire: "Can't act, slightly bald; can dance a little." Imagine if Fred had taken those lines to heart?Remember, you do not fail at anything. You, are producing different RESULTS.

I derive encouragement from I.B.M. founder Thomas Watson's; "To succeed double your failure rate." I might add to that, don't repeat the same failure more than once.

Fortune favours the prepared mind.

CyrusJehangir Sataravalla

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