Monday, May 19, 2008


"BEYOND-GUTS", is the title to my recently-published 960-page inspirational self-help book. A decade-long superior-most commitment that virtually took over my life. The title to my story springs from my own startling truth. When only 19 years (1977), my entire LARGE INTESTINE and rectum were removed in USA, after a Marathon 13-hour life-altering surgery. A Continental Ileostomy was performed, whereby a new opening was fashioned on my abdominal-wall, to facilitate bowel movement through the insertion of a catheter.

So, the title to my book is self-evident. My own childhood trauma revealed, instructed me first-hand to rely on INTUITION; on the fertile realm of GUT-FEEL, instead of mere intestinal guts. Beyond-Guts, is not some pretty-sounding metaphor; its a gradual evolution of my own, experience. For me the "Super-Natural" is the most Natural force-field and the very One from which im able to INTUIT, and PERCEIVE my best lessons. For anything to hold untold power, it MUST first be something you have witnesed. Felt. Experienced.

Once again in 1992, after conducting a motivational seminar in Pune I was rushed to Bombay for a second corrective surgery. This time 2-feet of my small GUTS were cut-off. When the so-called near dead, speak, but also share secrets to inspire, I learned not to leak vital life-nurturing fluids by searching "outward" for miracles. Just, to look deeper, inwards at my own source of insight.

Here I am re-counting for you Chapter 23 from my book "BEYOND-GUTS." Incidentally, the chapter you are about to immerse yourself in is also titled "BEYOND-GUTS." It is a letter I wrote to an Army Commander, Lieutenant-General A.K. Gautam on 29th August 1995. My sister Shekufay in Mahabaleshwar saw an article in The Times of India, on the General, who had undergone a surgical procedure, exactly, like mine. My caring sisters words re-echo crystal-clear even as you read: " Cyrus do write to the General," still crackle's fire-bright in my heart. Write I did at that half-moment, spontaneously. 29th August 1995


My Dear General Gautam,

The subtler free-flowing force-fields that move through our universe, as light-beams and sound-waves, have in their all-knowing way inter-connected and brought together our mind's through the all-sensing THOUGHT faculty.

I read of you in the papers and want you to know, that what others perceive as your low, ebb, or nadir, is in fact a clarion-voiced call for an all-new thundering thermal-soaring high. A more magnetic, triumphant, most glorious tral-blazing phase in your journey through space and time will evolve. What mediocre and tiny mind's believe to be lows, "other" men with self-belief and super-focusssed thought turn into scintillating never-before-witnessed all-time HIGHS. The lowest ebb, is only the turn of the tide. Crystal rain falls from blackes clouds. During your hour of difficulty, i remind you be not without hope, for crystal rain falls from bleakest dark-brooding clouds. Difficulties, must further strengthen ones resolve. Fire is only the tst of gold. Setback, must make us form,yet, deeper roots of a fortitude most stoic.

You, will learn to stare so deep into the soul of your problem, shout so hard at the malady that you terrify the living day-lights out of it. With that kind of insight, it will never dare to return. Such are the mysterious forces that you will tap-in and tune-in to.

The tangible "GUT" that was removed from you, will go on to ADD to your "spirit" a newer up-surge of an indomitable spiritual strength; a gift-ray of GRACE, that the creator infuses into the vital core of never-say-die men such as you General. This, is only the law of compensation at work. You, General, in this very sign shall conquer. Where there is no road, you, through your interior forces and unstoppable resolve will create and forge a new path.

I tell you this with burning conviction. It shall unfold true, even as a noon-day sun reaches its inevitable zenith, or, the moon its mysterious fullness. You, will transcend, and journey a-far... Far, into a horizon-dwelling zone of superlative unspeakable courage. The BEYOND, will become your lucky star. You will re-write the meaning of every, BEYOND. To a plane of Higher self-aware-ness. Thermal-soaring to a rare gravity-defying altitude beyond every known limitations.

To a realm from which you will receive added, power from your present-moment temporary set-back. You, will hurtle at mind-bending supra-velocity BEYOND the hum-drum zone of mere intestinal GUTS. To the magic-producing realm of INTUITIVE awareness. That zeal (jazbah), and that morale-catapulting factor which distinctly sets apart one thinker, from a million others. General, let me also remind you that some of the most dazzling and versatile (even genius I might add) super-mind's witnessed a traumatic gut-wrenching surgery such as yours.

Sir Frederick Henry Royce, who conceived the finest-motor-car-in-the-world, had an operation EXACTLY similar to yours. You, are and walk in the ranks of giants. What you have undergone, is linked in no small way with what is epoch-creating and history-making.

Now, a myriad other intangible dream-fulfilling forces will be self-awakened within you. I reiterate, your best-ever and finest creative in-flows will now inevitably evolve. Your Dreams can now attain summit-crest strength . Your courage to overcome any set-back and turn it to your advantage will increase one-thousand-fold. You, will self-soar, swifter, upward into bluer thermals, like the noble-hearted eagle. Setting more exacting standards. Giving an altogether newer meaning to that oft mis-used term, GUTS. Simply because even minus them you will imbue people with intuition, fighting spirit, and that all-conquering instinct. Many around you will shudder, awe-struck, at your newely-found thermal-soaring prowess.

"INTESTINAL-GUT", (aantadi) pales into insignificence, and gets dwarfed, once compared with the near-blinding power of "INTESTINAL FORTITUDE (jigar-and-josh)." Consciousness, never had any limits, except the ones that we create via un-aware-ness.

By devoutly, thinking, picturing, invoking and feeling spiritually re-charged in your mind's-eye, via the AS-IF mind-set, you most assuredly become what you think.

General, permit me to surprise you here-now. Iam 37, and was twice-blessed. The Ides of March which brought death to Caesar became a Red-letter self-awakening moment for me. On March 15th, 1977 in U.S.A i witnessed a life-altering, gut-wrenching operation identical to yours. The scars on my abdomen I see as STARS. I view them as my deeply-glowing high-magnitude, fortune-bringing, far-seeing SIRIUS STAR'S.

Today, the twin surgeries via the removal of my GUTS has self-evolved into my life's work. My perennial insights and moments of gushing inspiration. My so-called set-backs have swung wide-open the door to perception, and intuition. Iam a motivational Speaker, and Thought-Alchemist. I guide and enthuse people to actually USE set-back and initial difficulty, to form a PEARL of inner-knowing. A true Thought-Alchemist is one who transforms initial weakness, or trouble to self-birth a precious pearl of intuitive AWARENESS.

Willingness-to-do, and the rare yearning-to-be birth magic. Through self-mastery over the tiny 6inches of inner- space between the ears, you hold the golden magnetic key to any conquest over outer-space. The final count-down, IS, within.

Gut-less-ness, perceived from a dimension such as yours, is indeed devastating and most compelling. Incalculable. Unparalelled. Formidable, and path-breaking.

Amazing Grace, General, that especially "minus" GUTS, one can tune-in, tune-in to 'TRUE GUT-FEEL". What goes is never as precious and life-enhancing as what REMAINS.
Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla
Pune 26125457

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