Sunday, May 25, 2008


Whatever you concentrate your attention one-pointedly upon your energy travels right there. The diamond-bright point of your focus, becomes your reality.

Conventionall, we think of "repetition" as mind-numbing. Deadening, but in a spiritual practise, repetition done with delight renews the freshness, the originality; bringing a gem-sharp brighteness of spontaneity. Doing some awareness work re-sharpens your point of perspective, immeasurably. Life, begins to fit together. The weaving becomes elegant. You, feel, the artistry moving through a web of hidden conduits.

Recall, or re-remembrance of beauty is something i have chosen, deliberately. We have become comfortable and used to the re-call of negative emotions. Zoomin-in and allowing them all-too-frequent access. Sift, through the patters that, emerge. Retain, and recognize worthwhile seed-memories. Discard, permanently unproductive thorn-seeds. Concentrate, and allow with un-divided attention your remembrance to settle upon seed-beds of faith, Grace, transcendence, or to endure. There are varied ornate Gate-Ways in consciousness. Trust that the right Gate, will, swing wide-open at a mere mental, touch.Life, stretches out from moment-to-moment, in stupendous infinitude.For me, it is from the fleeting and obvious, that the supra-transcendental, is witnessed with an all-new inner eye. I remind myself not to become complacent and take for granted, all that is mistaken for "repetition."

So each time im blessed to watch a sun-up, this truth makes its Presence felt, with enhanced intensity. We dwell in the orchard of our own actions. Each experience being the well-deserved harvest of our in-most thought.Does you consider the life-rhythym of your wave-breath or heart-beats, as monotonous, repetitive? No matter how namy times your name is repeated it will remain utterly sweet-sounding. Your heart-beats on an average 6,22,0800-tims in a single day.

Mundane or monotonous most certainly, is not a thought associated to the constant beating.

Each time i gaze upon a star-pricked heaven, it is the first. a sense of awe sweeps past me each time that i do. Listen-in to the encouragement from stars. It occurs countless times, yet, the richness, warmt and wonder-ment are only enhanced. When i see a wild-growing daisy grow out of the sidewalk cement, it impacts my senses, immeasurably.Your own appreciative "response" to the everyday ordainary sight creates a momentous difference in the quality of our earth lives. We, beauty-adoring beings, and need continually, to commune with the wonderment, within. The, "ONLY" repetition to curtail, and urgently 'drop' is the the one that shuts or blinds one to the ever-beckoning, wonders. Self-defeating worn-out imagery needs to be relegated, here-now. Drop, repeating what doesn't work for you.

The essence of real beauty may be gathered from the common-place.Such appreciation will ennoble you. The focus of a nectar-gathering bee, is never on honey, and is not honey-making the single task it performs with un-diminishing, aplomb. They hover, close-by, to flowers, naturally.Like a bee, precious half-moments, are the elixir from which we derive our deepest, meaning.

Our surface mind's tend to forget powerful memories. Most fragile its memory. Can you remember what you wore a week ago? The nine months in a Motherr' sacred womb-world we are prone to so easily, forget. Is it not strange that such a home as all-encompassing as this, that we were in-extricably attached to is forgotten so fast?

Yet, even now, listen inwardly to re-remember your most beautiful memories. Then, on the subtler wings of breath, soul-memories dulcet voice, returns, to remind you and bring to re-call the relavance and message of life-times.

A surreal field of deja vu, unbidden wafts its super-natural scent, your way. In a flash, you recall with sharp-sightedness, long-forgotten seed-memories. That field of flowers of such exceptional brightness and hues, you roam waist-deep in rapt wonder...

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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