Friday, May 23, 2008


Vision, once locked-on, and one-pointed via your "Radar Mind" is self-actualizing. Your servo-guiding radar-vision is self-seeking, self-actualizing, self-balancing. Each moment you "carry" your combined thought-field with you. You cannot seperate the one from the other.

Thought, is within you. Yet, the greater beauty is that you simultaneously "self-transmit" and broadcast key thoughts all around the universe. On specific clear-cut missions. Moreover, it "returns" faithfully, diligently, only after completing its circuit with uncanny certitude and clock-like precision. You, also become adept at fine tuning-in to what you need via intuitions far-seeing antannae. Every thought is individual. Alive. As special as your thumb-print. As unique as your D.N.A. As swwet-sounding as your name. Each thought, in time attains a secret electrical charge.

When you dwell, inwardly on vitality you feed and nurture your "Formation." Giving it stupendous power. "Formations," determine the magnetic influence you generate during your destiny sojourn. One whose aura thought-field is powerful, or, magnetic we refer to as positively charged. Formations come charged with Quarks, neutrinos, bosons, and leptons. Live particles of energy swirling in a dance we call "life."

However who is providing the dynamic energy command to each emotion? "You." Your re-action within to any situation is vital. Not the situation per se. Again who created the situation? You again...Its no different to dialling a right number. Once you dial s-u-c-c-e-s-s via success-mindedness you create a ripple wave of its equivalent, instantly.

Clear thought is wheel you turn and give momentum to in your own mind.We in-flow and naturally "receive" from life exactly what we out-flow, or "radiate." Our inner attitude of expectancy and outer measure of results always match, perfectly. our job is to be certain that what we "expect" is exactly what we "want." No guess work here.I wish to stress: Re-recognize the dialogue you have inside. None but you must speak encouragingly, to you. Just as in you cherished photo-album you can re-arrange each soul-ful picture, just where you want it. Power, originates in a happy heart. None might make you feel as good as you can make yourself feel.Your mind eagerly awaits your every command. It is a procesing of up to 30-billion bits of information per second. It boasts the equivalent of 6000-miles of self-wound, God-blessed wiring and cabling.

The leviathon wide-bodied super-jumbo A-380 has a mere 310-miles of wiring. Your mind can recognize a face in less than a second flat. The fastest super-computer can make connections one at a time. A reaction in one neuron can spread to hundreds-of-thousands of others in less than 20-milli-seconds. That's about 10-times less than it takes you to blink your eye-lid in awe this moment. Your Radar-governed thought can aid you accomplish, virtually, anything you desire. Cut-off all extraneous thoughts. Cauterize clutter. Selecting, and carefully holding steady a "goal-picture" in mind is a life-changing power.

In our brain we have an RAS. Reticular Activating System. Radiating from your brain-stem is a small network of cells. About 4-inches long. Yet, of unparalelled consequence.Just about the size and shape of a quarter of an apple. Its your built-in Apple computer. It performs the unique function of filtering in-coming sensory stimuli; more vitally determining which ones are going to make an indelible life-times unforgettable impression in your mind. Now, you can fully appreciate why a certain food, flower, person, writer, or fragrance, evokes unspeakable joy in you. You faithful all-obediend, ever-diligent "RAS" makes it so.

Once, you, have made a distinction that a certain value, thought, sound, idea, picture or feeling is specially memorable and deeply, significent, to you, your R.A.S is alerted, in a lightening-quick flash. Once you lock-in to any long-cherished goals, your devout RAS constantly monitors self-talk and enviromental feed-back about the goal and targer re-alignment. Using the positive or negative feed-back to to accordingly re-adjust your decisions along the way. Your mind subconsciously makes perinent adjustments self-propelling, thermal-guiding, self-steering you to dock-in with your goal. As does a fly-by-wire super-sonic jet figheter. When you decide something specific is an absolute must-have priority you give it incalculabe, unfathomable, emotional intensity and outreach.

Gravity-defying are its powers to attract whatever is dearest to your heart.Once you have a fully-finalized pre-set goal-image in mind this self-adjusting keeps you magnetically on-track, on-course. Your RAS constantly monitors up-to-date feed-back signals from the target area. Like a homing system on a torpedo. Making any and every correction, if needed, to stay bang-on target. This, is true for targets you are impassioned about. For those things that you share a deep affinity and inner accord. It will not bother to serve you for vague, fuzzy un-clear goal-posts.The function of your RAS is simple,yet, astoundingly profound. It seeks immediately to get you what you want. It determines what you will notice and pay attention to. In such an atmosphere you brain deletes what is meaningless, and focuses ONLY on what you "BELIEVE" is important.

Far more fascinating this self-seeking, go-ahead servo-mechanism keeps you locked-on to higher goals. Now as you look back and see exactly why you attracted what you most desired, you will be aware of your interior superior-most mental supra forces that played a stellar part. Conversely, when you attract what you abhor, detest, find out honestly if in your own mind you feared all along that very thing.Write down in utter faith every possibility of what ever you imagine yourself doing, contributing, being, creating, or having.

Everything, and i mean everything under the sun that you worship, cherish and adore can be yours. Have you made your goal-list?

I believe you have... well done. Happy Landings...

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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