Sunday, May 18, 2008


You cannot cultivate and tend a well-cared for mango-orchard and not imbibe some magical mango-scent, yourself.We happily brave journeys to far-flung outer-space. Penetrate the polar waste. Foray to the seas secret subterreanean abyss. Sojourn through the death-defying desert's desolate bleakness. Travel to back-of-beyond remote island paradises. Yet, a rare few journey to a place ever near-by. A spot that matters, most: Ones own "heart". All that is worthy to receive, or fathom is found here. The Mariana Trench is measured by man-made gauges at a staggering 13-km odd depth. Is there a known gauge to measure the unfathomable heart? Oceans might not fill a your heart, and should your child lovingly, utter, your name it over-flows.When you FOCUS on limitations you unknowingly "HYPNOTIZE" yourself into a stupor. You cast a spell command by virtue of which you immobilize yourself to one of two truths: That you have the willingness and vigour of a "CAN-DO" spirit. Or, the weakening "Cannot-do" command. This becomes a subconscious trend that your life-cycle faithfully and diligently cotinues to follow, to the letter. Be acutely aware of this timeless truth.Unknowingly, you make your predictions come true. Each and every time. It becomes an unconscious habit pattern from which your reality continually emerges. Ponder a moment. Have not your in-most subconscious yearnings often come true? Luck, per se has very little, if anything to do with it. When you focus, inwardly on a single deeply-glowing thought, you "feed" it devastating doses of cosmic energy.Often, after a difficult circumstance in hindsight we say; "I knew that would happen." Largely we self-willed and brought that experience into being by inadvertently focussing, constantly, on it. Thereby magnifying it many tims over. Reflect, consciously, if you have already concentrated upon a thought, it has already become your reality, and spread like the sun-glow to every part of your heart. Again, when something really good transpires we happily exult: "I just knew something beautiful would come true." You, are right on the button both times. What we expect is deply transpired into our lives.If there is a key-message, i wish to stress it is just this: Recognize the inner self-talk and dialogue you have inside. None but you walk down this path. The view from here will be unique only to you. We receive from life what we most entertain, expect, within. Expectancy in our mind's is a force you key-in from moment-to-moment. Our job is to be sure that what we expect is exactly what we want. No guess work here. One must be certain of what one asks for.I write to awaken and re-remind you in the most emphatic terms to instantly, DE-HYPNOTIZE yourself from any down-pushing beliefs. Hypnotism, or self-suggeastion, each thought command you give becomes your reality. Change your commands. You require no outer hypnotist. Merely speak encouragingly to yourself, inside. Begin here-now.Do not depend on astrologers to predict your destiny. Think, why does one approach an astrologer? To hear that something great, powerful or propitious will occur. Rely, instead on your own unsurpassed powers. Predict memorable events for yourself. Your own diligence, and devout devotion will bring fields to fruition. Begin now to gird and encourage yourself with uplifting thought-seeds. You will self-soar on the thermals of lofty thought-currents.You were born specifically with the script to fulfill your life's destiny in a remarkable manner. The secrets of the codes you require are already coded-in. The means to read, glean and decipher the codes are provided.Recognize the truth that such pink-petalled beauty, is self-taught. It unfolds of its own, myriad times each day. It does not "happen" at a temple, or any formal meeting. The sole place it unfurls, is intuitively; in the in-most petal of the You in You....

Unfurlment, follows a timing sacred as the unfolding of flowers.

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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