Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wheel of Fortune

Your life's wheel of fortune, self-pivots, rotates on thought. Not by mere chance; but by the key-insight thought-choices you select.

Chance, is when you forget the option to go-ahead and choose. That, is taking a big chance. You need not depend on dame fortune. Or, on forces outside. A roulette wheel at Monte Carlo rotates on on pure chance. A shot-in-the-dark. Life, revolves around the dominant thoughts you habitually think. Your wheel-of-fortune revolves along an elliptical, self-guiding direction in coordination with your mind-space. Every degree that propitiously turns your wheel, is synchronized, intimately, with your own depth of devotion.

Your in-dwelling super-will and irrevocable resolve set this wheel in motion.From this point on you receive, timely, guidance from the beyond... And so your wheel spins as does Jupiter; yet it will stop as though touched by a magic Hand, exactly, at a cherished goal you longed-for, or must-have.Clinging to the possible curbs. It chokes what's spontaneous inside. It is a retard and damper to the taut coil-spring of self-ex-pression. The possible dulls and anaesthetize your natural instincts. Imagine a magnificent golden eagle minus its all-seeing eye? What appears as a comfort zone kills forward monentum.

"Risk", and i mean "risk all."The so-called take-no-risk, we are taught is an absurdity. What is the risk, ask yourself, in going flat-out and pursuing your convictions, with heightened fervour? You have absolutely everything to gain in risking everything, even life and limb. On the other hand to risk nothing, is when in reality you forsake and relinquish everything.How would i know? you may well ask. It is no co-incidence that after 8-feet of my own intestinal guts had to be removed, becoming my bessing, and in fact providing an appropriate title to my 916-page book BEYOND-GUTS. "I-can-do-it" triggers strong fluids from within and puts you in touch with the means, skills and a "how-to-do-it" plan. Often, it pays to bite off more than you can chew. Let me reassure you, it revealed to me first-hand how to digest, inwardly, what at first seemed altogether undigestable. Cast aside limits. It will be the single most life-changing choice you ever made. Remove the curtaling halter and bridle that hold you back. This half-veil once lifted you recognize your furnace-of-power. Take time out to select, choose and prioritize your most meaningful goals. Now. Write them down as though already accomplished. The joy is in making your own selections. For something very dear you can create one big wheel for that specific long-held desire. Remember that the very un-bending "INTENT" and intention of making your wheel, is the very point from where it begins to rotate, specially, on your behalf. Its magnetic-tipped needle gravitates as surely as do the tides. Everything that you include, and write inside your wheel-picture book will magnetize and gravitate into your orbit.

Be watchful, ever-vigilant of what you "ask" for, for that, precisely is what you will self-manifest. Not an iota more or a hair-breath less.Your wheel of fortune book helps to re-clarify your goal picture immeasurably. Allow your wheel to reflect YOU, at all times. It must coincide with your in-born, long-held beliefs and sacred aspirations. Approcah creating your wheel with inner joy, and a sense of fulfillment. Filling-in the details in your wheel must be an enriching exercise. It must hold intense, unparalled, unspeakable, incalculable maeaning to ONLY You. That is athe key driving insight you must adhere to with utmost reverance. You, are making it to bring you happiness. As you begin to colour and deepen your goal-images in your sacred book, know, that on the cosmic plane it has already come true.What you decide to commit on your wheel must be done, with your entire heart. Permit your imagination to soar as you etch your wheel. Then boldly write it down. This is a beyond-every-limit zone. Only, you can dare to catalog you grandoise aspirations here. You must approach creating your wheels with an open-heart. I use the most intense and fluorescent colours in my wheels. Should a trip to a far-away land be your desire. Then visit the finest travel agent and demand a travel-book on the very destination of your choice. Mentally map the destination into your brain. Lovingly imprint a page into your wheel of fortune.
Once you MIND-MAP and inwardly morph your desire it sets into motion an "ELEMENTAL ESSENCE". The ether, or knowingness in you and the secret powers that surround you get coded with your desire-request. from here on the universe bends, defying the very laws of gravity, smashing every known obstacle; and ultimately bringing to you THAT for which you lovingly set up an ELEMENTAL ESSENCE.

See the goal as already DONE, and accomplished even as you paste it. Like a letter from you to
you: Signed. Self-Sealed. And most important, Self-delivered.

Remember, each time you think with diamond-sharp clarity you ARE exercising a vital choice. So your wheel of Fortune becomes your self-selected, course to chart your life. Leaf twice a day or as often as you are guided through your wheels of fortune. Your wheels encourage those very things to flow-in to your life with astounding timing. Your wheel is not about what the next-door neighbour has. It has everything to do with what you worship, long-for, hold sacred, cherish and adore. You, might crete a super-big whel picture for something you absolutely must-have. The picture must at all times be visible in your own mind's-eye. The wheel aids in shifting your FOCUS from: i-can't have to a praise-worthy self-reliant: "i-can-have" consciousness. And to whatever is well-deserved From despair to self-reliance; from no-way to that sacred-most ONE-WAY. In so doing where there is no-way you make space and create your "Special-Way."Some prefer to make wheels of fortune for shorter periods, for goals worthy of accomplishing in say a months time.So if you desire something very much, that seems out of reach, near and yet so distant, you now know just what to do. Lovingly, fill each section. Remember to date and sign your wheel of fortune with a flourish and in advance. By so doing you write the script of your life. A higher inspirational power aids turn your wheel. Yes, much of our life's page comes written. But, know that big BLANK margins appear on either side. Who else is better qualified to write your life story than you? You, and ONLY you must write whats most endearing and meaningful. What you "intend" to "see" as reality.

If you don't exercise this option, no-one else will. Right? And you sadly then must accept whatever comes your way."The greater danger in life isn't in aiming too high and missing, it's in aiming too low and getting." The fiery Florentine Buonorroti Michael Angelo was spot on.. Make your wheel of fortune. Make it an on-going love affair. Its never-ending. I keep adding to my wish-list.

Haven't you begun yours?

None can accomplish for, you, what you can achieve your self. To achieve any goal first set it; then, indeed, just for after it and get it.
Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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