Sunday, May 18, 2008

River of Life

River of Life; Your Game of Choice Look upon your life like a deepest sapphire-blue shimmering ever-onward flowing river. Your River of life is symbolic of your most cherished aspirations. Everything you can imagine, or conceive, flows in this river. Your state of mind is the container each of bring to the river. The rivers job is just One: To give you a measure equal to the attitude you bring to it. Nothing more or less.Some approach lifes river with a niggardly thimble. Others with a tiny teaspoon. Some come with a bucket-sized container. Or, maybe a barrel. The fortunate ones come with a flaming self-belief. My key-message and insight to You is this: Your river is non-partial, non-judgemental and never talks back, or argues with you. Its fundamental inherent purpose is just One GIVE. In direct accord to the measure or recepticle you take to it.Your life experience right up-to-now, wherever you are, whosoever you are were not due to chance. They have emerged through the series of decisions and choices elected by you in your own mind-space. Approach your river with supreme boldness, boundless faith and it will reward and bless you beyond your wildest dreams, with whatever you ask (DESIRE) for. Remember, it must be from your soul depths. Ask wisdom, seek inner intuitive Guidance. Over and above great conscious effort, invoke divine aid and inspiration in your life's central work.When you help others find, what once You once so adrently were seeking, then the wheel of your destiny (taqdeer) turns, perfectly in your favour. Remember, also that what you so intensely seek, is also looking out for just for You.Become more fully self-aware and at-one-ment of the universe using You as against your trying to force an outcome. A closed lotus-bud cannot be induced to open with your hand. It does so on its own rhythym, accord. At a destined point between your ardous inward search and Herculean efforts, when you simply let go (in Faith)the perfectly-orchestrated solution will pop-up in your mind. Revealing, to You a solution suitable, ONLY, to You. Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla 9823110144

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