Saturday, May 31, 2008


Imagine Alladin's Lamp is yours, and your wishes are not limited to a mere three.

An eagle, for a while, waits in an egg. Oak forests remain hidden, in a miniscule acorn-seed. Great dreams begin as a speck-like thought in your mind. Till they gather stupendous inner cosmic momentum.

We never see the breeze. Yet, sense its Presence in our every breath.

These thoughts from ther Taitteriya Arankaya inspire: "The blind man pierced the pearl; The fingerless put a thread through it; the neckless wore it; the tonguelesss praised it; and the deaf heard it."

Shelley's poem on Prometheus is relevant:"To hope till Hope creates from its own wreck the thing it contemplates." There is so much left to re-create.Any problem is merely the first premise to the solution. Detach yourself from the sharp jagged edge of what cuts. As you permit the python-like grip of problems to loosen, a new solutions, arise. Viewed, from afourth-dimensional perspective we "only" have the choice to respond, and select gem-bright solutions.

In 1914 a raging fire tore through Edison's laboratory. Machinery and priceless papers pertaining to his life-long reserch were gutted. A smouldering heap of ashes was all that remained. Hearing of the trajedy his terror-striken son Charles came searching for Edison. He found his Father cheery-faced and not one bit shaken-up. This exactly is what Edison told a trembling Charles:

"Where is your Mother, find Her, quickly, for such a sight he will never see again!"

The next moment walking amidst the half-charred debris of his hopes and dreams the 67-year inventor proclaimed:

"What benifit there is in destruction. All our mistakes have been burnt to ashes, thank God." Is it any wonder that a spirit no less than this gave humanity a series of timeless inventions?Such. is the kind of un-shakable faith in your own ability to re-create. What gone never matters. What arrives, and remains in its place matters, immeasurably. Such is the magical way in which high achievers view catastrophe. Not, for a moment is the poison of fear allowed to paralyze clear-thinking.

They, have this uncanny prowess of using crisis to attain an altogether higher plane of awareness.Once you can make crisis, actually, work for you, you become an Alchemist. You, then are in the knowing of how to de-fang any poisonous, vexing problem. To me this specific trait of transmuting peril into unspeakable super-power is one of the interpretations of genius. A mind-set that will turn water into wine. Thorns into a diamond-mine. Trouble into triumph. Terrifying life-threatning pain into extasy. A pearl is always emerging.I can never forget the stirring words of writer Joseph Conrad's Father, Apollo Korzeniowski: "I have passed through heavy and even terrible days of brooding on God's blessings. I have kept my eyes fixed on the Cross and by that means fortified my fainting soul and reeling brain... And i resume my ordinary life, alittle more broken but with breath still in me, still alive."

This, is where super-alchemy is reborn. Crisis, is not allowed to bend your spirit. How, can it unless you give it that power? Which surgeon's-scalpel is there that might cut a courage-filled thought? It is no myth. Just stark reality. Such Alchemists, dwell amongst us. Be they in high-rise skyscrapers; or in obscure far-away villages, these are the very Ones that hold the healing balm for humanity.

They possess in ample measure the subtlest gifts to regenerate our world. Generations, to come shall salute these Alchemists.With this consciousness awake your life attains a deeper purpose, provides powerful meaning and the growing resilience, to press on. To stumble at times. To sweat and to swear, yet, get on with it.

To rise with added resolve and finish with a flourish whatever you began. To endure. Give life all you have got, as you have a super-abundance of this secret force.To pay the price in seeing yur dreams through. It is not a force to scatter on anything short of what's entirely magnificent. Would you cast your precious gems, on the road-side?

Neil Armstrong when he was a boy said: "Ever since i was twelve, I dreamt I would do something important in aviation..."

This is your chance to let-go and dream at the highest-ever altitude. To brainstorm at out the wildest possibilities and, in so doing re-discover something that will propel your life to the next level.If after having ingested this you take action you will be rewarded with a compelling multi-dimensional vision. Pulling you like a magnet past toughest times...

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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