Sunday, May 18, 2008

Soul Light-Essence

SOUL LIGHT-ESSENCEIn the Canis Major Constellation shines my favoutite-most star the Sirius or Dog Star. The effulgence light blaze of this one-and-only Star out-shines the sun's light many times over. Yet, remember, a near-blinding light infinitely more powerful and a billion times more self-radiant than even the famed Sirius, casts its light from within the human spirit. Know this truth each time you think about something you deeply desire or desire to transpire. Your INTENT is a Command from your Soul region. Look upon INTENT as a sure-fire message from you. One that the cosmos hooks-in instantly to. And turns into flesh-and-blood reality in manner beyond the ken of even the wisest.When you go to your favourite restaurant does not the waiter bring back to faithfully, "EXACTLY", what you ordered? Then know this very TRUTH applies when you focus with needle-pointed precision on your cherished worthy projects. Try not thinking for a moment and you will recognize more fully how thought saturates and colours every atom, within. You, cannot even have a feeling, without first harbouring a thought.Each time your soul destiny tunes-in to You, know that it is guiding, speaking and propelling you steadily on-course to the sunny shore of your ideal. Continue to keep your hand firmly on the Mast of Thought, and your ship will sail serenly into the very port of call that you charted it to enter.So when you pursue, and follow your Life's Path, thought is the magnetic compass that you must rely and depend upon with whole-hearted complete self-reliance. At that moment even the Sirius, smiles, upon your dazzling self-glow. Your cause and higher purpose must out-live You in a manner such as to benifit myriad other souls on their journeys. Such a life is one well-lived...Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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