Monday, May 26, 2008


To re-discover soul destiny and make a life in accord with nthe deep-centered rhythm of the cosmos, brings meaning to our journeys. During self-discovery you intuitively re-call with super-clarity, your true place in the vast scheme of things.

Let is not be the thought that carries, you away. At all times, it must be you who are in charge of thought's trajectory. Like eagles, instinctively select, specific, thermals to thermal-glide at astonishing velocity. This prowess, to self-steer, via specific thermals, only, is their secret to exuberant, effortless flight.

You, too must master, how to 'ride' conducive forward-propelling thought-currents.On the celestial self-steering path to soul destiny, certain thought-thermals, only, keep you on lock-on mode.

Such an eagle patrols, the secret thermals that traverse the hidden currents of your mind.Our lives are structured with one truth, beyond, any other: The 'means' to self-fulfill our destiny. You, carry the seed-spawn to make things happen. So, seize what you have this moment. There are infinite wheels within wheels, that churn to an outwardly slow, but surely-evolving sequence. Into such a self-balancing structure are you a vital cog.You, are the one person in the universe who must "know" what you cherish, most. There is none best suited to write your life's story, than, you. Might another do justice to what you arte destined to reveal, and at last un-veil? Each has a saga utterly individual. What will your story be? Your moment has self-arrived. Go where you will, do what you may, yet soul destiny's pull will be unmistakable. Should, you for some time wander off-course aimlessly, during a sand-storm, feel not overly bereft, or crest-fallen.

That you wandered off-course for a moment must not be seen as being out-of-place. no matter how dismal or glowering the present hour, keep your composure. View it in deep accord with something 'more' you "intended" to learn. The oceans, or a water-puddle must fall equally under the gravitational grip of the moon. Such is the field of forces at work in you. The gravitational force of your destiny will re-aligh and bring you back on-track.I watch the quiet stars, suspended motionless, and sense this truth with staggering, impact. Each, star glitters exactly where it must.

The universe is beyond any need of man-made intervention. Planets, whirl to a clock-work plan, and are kept bang-on course. In accordance with a Will and Sacred Plan beyond the ken of the wisest man.Into the centre of a constellation no less hallowed, are, you propitiously positioned. The wisdom encoded in our Yoga Vashishta helps immeasurable to keep things in perspective: "Vast worlds lie hidden within the hollows of each atom, multifarious as the motes in a sunbeam." I see soul destiny as the single most sacred task, the universe entrusts us with to self-fulfill. There is a delicate balance beyond endless analysis. To know, that each particle follows a tailored perfectly-structured plan, in accord with its inherent place in the infinity that is the cosmos, is on the one hand mind-bending. Yet, on the other it is poignant, all-revealing, and humbling.

You, already are a master-of-the-impossible.Once, you taste the potency of the taming the impossible othe roads appear, timid, docile and bland.In such enlightened company your spirit ascends to an invincible, unstoppable crescendo. From the many notes in consciousness, one chime is unmistakable. Its music to you. As it chimes, yoiu are reminded ONLY of you all-unique soul-destiny.

Myriad celestial gift-rays, converge into one all-sharp point. In a half-flash you recognize the half-moment. Your soul-destiny has at lasts found, you. In the quiet of your heart, attune yourself with your life's ultimate purpose. Then, do the one thing in the world you most love.

Make your credo: "I believe, because it is impossible."A 6-day-old zebra foal out of a shimmering sea of 1000 black-and-white stripes, is able instantly to recognize and find its Mother.

Destiny, is calling out your name... listen-in now..

Cyrus Jehangir Sataravalla

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